They see in the media what has happened in the past two years in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria as well. The images are not heartwarming, the suffering presented by the media is great, blood is spilled in the streets of the Middle East, but the man in the street has the feeling of “yes, we can!!” To bring the desired change will also require our blood. Will this feeling be enough to draw the masses into the streets resulting in terror attacks if Abu Mazen carries out his threat? Time will tell.
Palestinians for the Dissolution of the PA
Palestinian youth see what has happened in the Arab world and despite the suffering, has the feeling of "yes, we can," even if it requires blood.
Photo Credit: Sliman Khader/Flash90
If so, then we will regret that we did not solve the problem by means of the “Palestinian Emirates” solution, which we have described on this honorable platform in the past.
Originally published at Middle East and Terrorism.