Apology is NOT Enough: House Democrats must Sanction Ilhan Omar

In America, Ilhan Omar has the right to express anti-Semitic views, using, if she chooses, the same anti-Semitic themes as Nazi propagandists. Her constituents in Minnesota have the right to elect her to Congress. But that doesn’t mean any of them has a right to any committee assignments for Omar in the House of Representatives, much less choice ones like the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Israel’s ‘Not Routine’ Strike on Syrian Special Weapons Facility Confirmed by Imagery

Israel is in this as a fight for her existence, and will not be deterred or limited by the military arrangements of others. Put more bluntly, Russia’s interests in Syria, and effective control of Syrian airspace, will not hold a veto over Israel’s strategic latitude.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/j-e-dyer/apology-is-not-enough-house-democrats-must-sanction-ilhan-omar/2019/02/12/

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