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Steve Rothman (L) debates Bill Pascrell (R).

It’s for this reason that I am offering to mediate this dispute between the two of you and help steer the primary back to the issues and away from personal attacks. I am offering my services to try and resolve some of the personal bitterness that has entered your contest. If we could spend a few hours together – the three of us – I am convinced that we can make some progress in lowering the tone and getting focused back on the issues. This way, whoever wins, you can emerge as friends yet again.

I do not question that you both mean well. I know you do and I believe that you are both devoted and honorable public officials, even as I believe that it’s time for the ninth Congressional District to be represented by new blood. But again, if I’m wrong, and one of you wins, it’s not the end of the world. America will still continue even with the three of us in private life.


So let’s get together and inspire America with a new path. Let’s resolve some of these issues between the two of you and allow you both to emerge from this primary as friends again, albeit with serious disagreements. Let’s show America that politics is an honorable profession, a noble calling, filled by people who put values, country, and integrity first. Let’s start winning people away from the Kardashians and Jennifer Aniston’s love life and back to the political theater by demonstrating that politics are inspiring rather than depressing, ennobling rather than corrupting, and harmonious rather than rancorous. We’ll all be better off with a new, more positive message. The two of you can really electrify America by demonstrating that in this race you respect each other and honor each other’s service, even as you both fight hard to win.

Just remember, Steve, that you came to my front lawn, along with former Governor Corzine and Senator Lautenberg, when I was leading the charge to push Muammar Kaddafi out of Englewood. Guys like him are the enemy, not your fellow democrat, Congressman Bill Pascrell. Congressman Pascrell, as an honored veteran, I am sure you also understand that our enemies are those who seek harm to this country rather than the political opposition.

I’m available for the three of us to get together and I eagerly look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely and with blessing,

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, "America's Rabbi," whom The Washington Post calls “the most famous Rabbi in America,” is the international bestselling author of 30 books including his most recent “The Israel Warrior.” Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.