The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) agrees with the 1.5M Israeli Arabs per their recent population study of December, 2011. They can’t fudge those numbers since they come from the Israeli Bureau of Statistics. The largest discrepancy comes from the Arabs living in Judea/Samaria aka the West Bank. The head of the PCBS, Hassan Abu Libdeh told the New York Times on December 11, 1997 that “… the census is a civil intifada…” which works on two levels. First by increasing the numbers of Palestinian Arabs in Judea/ Samaria it enables the Palestinian Authority to rob the American tax payers because American assistance is based on the population numbers they give to the various U. S. government agencies. More people, more money… it’s logical but the inflated numbers are also propaganda used against Israel which the secular leftists have been using for their democratic rationale to give up the communities of Judea/Samaria. Lies are not beyond the Arab psyche. It is part of their culture but at least their noble lie is to get more money – the noble lie for the secular left is their intolerant hatred of their fellow Jew not just because of where they live but because of their perceived religiosity, yet ironically, over 60% of the Jews who live in Judea/Samaria are non-Orthodox. The secular left was willing to lie about Oslo and it cost Israel in Jewish lives. Knowing no shame, they have been willing to lie to try to rid themselves of their heritage.
It is written: “… little by little… until you become fruitful and make the Land your heritage…” In 2010, 75.8% of all babies born in Israel were Jewish – only 20.6% were Muslim (Haaretz, 4/24/12). In 2011, again for the fourth year in a row, there was a record number of Jewish baby births of over 127,000 to just slightly over 30,000 Muslim baby births. Today over 340,000 Jews live in Judea/Samaria with another 60,000 Jews
attending religious boarding schools (Ynet, Sever Plocker, 5/1/12) for a total of over 400,000 Jews in Judea/Samaria and growing. There is no demographic problem unless of course one believes that Jewish babies are not in the best interests of Israel. To those on the Diaspora left and the elitists of Tel Aviv and Herzeliya, I would like to remind them we have 6 million to make up for and if the world doesn’t like it, it won’t be the first
time. As the Diaspora population shrinks, Israel is the only place on the planet where the Jewish population is growing, and as it grows it will need more housing and housing needs land. The Muslims of the world have 11 million square miles; and of that twenty two Arab states have over 5.5 million square miles. The Muslims and Arabs won’t miss the tiny .0006% of land in Judea/Samaria (3600 square miles), our historic Jewish
homeland. Today. I’ve been told that over 85% of Israelis have a seder and 78% light Shabbat candles. Not so in America. It is clear that Israel and Diaspora Jewry are at this moment in history on different paths to the future. The future for Israel is to have the determination to declare a One Jewish State Solution from” the river to the sea”, and for Diaspora Jewry to appreciate the profound importance of the Land of our Torah…a
land given to our people in an eternal covenant long ago…A Land that flows with milk and honey, with computer chips and lots of Jewish babies mixed together with love.