Photo Credit: Esty Dziubov / TPS
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The International Court of Justice in The Hague tried hard to oblige Israel to end the war and withdraw its forces from Gaza, but even after defaming the Jewish State in the first 35 minutes of the decision, in the end the decision failed.

During the opening, the president of the International Court of Justice, the American judge Joan A. Donahue made a series of statements to come to the conclusion that “at least some of the actions and omissions carried out by Israel in Gaza appear to be able to fall within the scope of the genocide provisions.” The key word here is “appear”. That means “no proof or reliable evidence. She just repeated the hollow arguments put forward by the South African attorney, which alleged “actions and omissions” came directly from Hamas and/or UNRWA, the UN agency established after World War II especially for the Palestinians.


Without going into the failure of establishing UNRWA, for decades Israel has been denouncing the agency as an arm of the terrorist organization Hamas. For years, Israel had to work very hard to get the world to admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and just last weekend Israel was able to provide unequivocal evidence regarding the active participation of UNRWA personnel in the October 7 massacre, when schools, community centers, health and food distribution centers operated by UNRWA were used by Hamas as training bases with shafts from which Hamas terrorists launched attacks against the residents of the Gaza Envelope and IDF soldiers.

At least 12 of the agency’s employees are under investigation and nine of them have been fired, and according to the findings, one was killed with a high degree of certainty in combat with IDF forces. Following the conclusive evidence presented by the Israeli government, 10 Western countries have already announced the suspension of donations to UNRWA, led by the United States, England, Germany and France which are considered to be the main contributors. This is a fatal blow to the organization since 95% of the agency’s budget is based on contributions from the member states of the United Nations. In response, UNRWA Commissioner General Philip Lazzarini stated that these are shocking decisions, which will lead to famine in the Gaza Strip. But Lazzarini is always searching for the next crisis to allow him to squeeze Western countries to continue to contribute to his well-oiled terror machine.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who makes no effort to hide his strong anti-semitic views against Israel and the Jewish people, begged the heads of state to reconsider.

While the world calls on Israel to protect its cruel enemies at all costs and to provide them with humanitarian aid, it blatantly ignores the human harm to the Israeli abductees whose condition and fate no one knows from day one. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad hold in their hands over 135 hostages, who they need to keep well-guarded, spread in several different places, with the most minimal conditions to keep them alive. Some of them are wounded in very serious condition, others are elderly in dire need of medication, and children like the one-year old Kfir Bibas and his 4-year old brother Ariel. Hamas and Islamic Jihad must rely on the local population in this task, as corroborated by released hostages. And yet there is not a single righteous person among the citizens of Gaza to provide Israel with information on the hostages’ whereabouts.

In the last few days we have been witnessing mild protests by citizens against Hamas, but these are few and far between and clearly at a moment when the majority are an integral part of the Hamas terror machine and ideology and see the extermination of Jews as their sublime objective.

As a member of the ‘United with the Arieh King’s party, we are working even harder in Jerusalem, and in recent weeks, together with the Israel Lands Authority, we have been promoting the evacuation of the UNRWA compound located near the Qalandiya checkpoint. UNRWA took over the land owned by the KKL and without a permit and in violation of the law, it built a school, sports fields, a mosque, and even a monument in memory of those killed while perpetrating terror attacks in Jerusalem.

Following our appeal, the legal department of the Israel Lands Authority issued a letter in which it demands to immediately vacate the land in addition to retroactive compensation in the amount of 17 million shekels for the use and the construction of the illegal structures built there. The ‘United’ faction is working simultaneously with the government, legal and municipal authorities to immediately return that piece of land to Jewish hands to fulfill its original purpose.

Today, no country in the world that caused millions of dead and refugees is accused of genocide, except Israel, the country that has the most moral army in the world to the point of risking the lives of its own soldiers not to harm “uninvolved” Gazans. We need to put an end to this anti-semitic hypocrisy, and dismantle UNRWA and all the other UN agencies that have become anti-semitic centers which purposes are to weaken Israel and kill innocent Jews.



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Attorney Deborah Srour-Politis, a resident of the Ramot neighborhood in Jerusalem, is running for 3rd place on the 'United with Aryeh King' list for the Jerusalem City Council. Politis is an advocacy activist and has a world reputation in international law