Conventional wisdom suggests that US-Israel ties constitute a one-way-street: The US gives and Israel receives. However, in recent years the one-way-street has been transformed into a two-way-street, mutually-beneficial, win-win set of ties:

1.  US special operations units trained in Israel before arrival to Iraq and Afghanistan; 2.  Israel armor plating technology protects US soldiers; 3.  Israel is a cost-effective, battle-tested laboratory for the US defense industries; 4.  Israel provides the US more intelligence than all NATO countries combined; 5.  US battle tactics formulated according to the Israeli playbook; 6.  Israel is a strategic beachhead of the US in the Middle East; 7.  Israel is the largest US aircraft carrier, which doesn’t require a single US boot on board;


Israel is the only stable, reliable, predictable, capable, democratic and unconditional ally of the US, willing to flex its muscle.

Please watch the following 6 minute video: The Two Way Street: Mutually Beneficial US-Israel Ties

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Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger is consultant to Israel’s Cabinet members and Israeli legislators, and lecturer in the U.S., Canada and Israel on Israel’s unique contributions to American interests, the foundations of U.S.-Israel relations, the Iranian threat, and Jewish-Arab issues.