In 2014, Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu was defeated, largely, due to her support of ObamaCare, opposed by the vast majority of Louisianans, irrespective of Landrieu’s seniority and chairmanship of the Senate Energy Committee which produced a boon for her state and her “Blue-Dog Democrat” claims. The support of ObamaCare, in defiance of their constituents, also weighed heavy upon unseating other Democratic Senators, such as Begich (AK), Hagan (NC), Udall (CO) and Pryor (AR).
In 2015, will House Members and Senators ignore or reflect the position of their voters on the nuclear deal with the Ayatollahs, whose approval would compound the current significant threats posed by the conventional Ayatollahs: triggering an unprecedented wave of Islamic terrorism, an avalanche of toppled pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes and its economic implications, nuclear proliferation and a nuclear war?