The Hamas Surrender Deal Sets Up Trump to Fail

The Trump administration is being tricked into adopting the Biden administration's Hamas policy.

December 31st, 1912

America has not fallen, no more than it did when the clock struck midnight on December 31, 1912.

Syria Falls

Some sort of coalition may form or it may devolve into a full-on civil war or quite possibly some combination of the two. The one thing the Middle East isn’t known for is stability.

Biden Pardons Son and His Co-Conspirator

Joe Biden did not just pardon Hunter: he pardoned himself.

Hating Thanksgiving

America needs gratitude and fellowship now more than ever.

Hezbollah Deal Proves Again Negotiating With Terrorists Leads to Terrorism

Offering to negotiate with Islamic terrorists is a statement of weakness.

Media Lies About Muslim Street Violence Against Jews in Amsterdam

The media quickly rushed into cover-up mode, describing it as ‘soccer hooliganism’ and a ‘clash’ involving ‘fans of an Israeli soccer team’ triggered by the burning of a PLO flag.

The ‘3rd Worldization’ of America

If we don’t want to end up like the Third World, it’s time for us to stop being ruled by it.

The Kamala//Obama Parallels

The more you look, the more you see the connections.

Biden-Harris Admin Defends UNRWA, Blasts Israel

Like its Obama predecessor, becoming a lame-duck administration frees Biden-Harris personnel to live out their dreams of going after Israel in the remaining months.

The Oct 7 War: One Year Later

What really happened then and what is really happening now.

Why Didn’t the US Do This?

In Six Weeks, Israel Has Eliminated As Many Wanted Terrorists as the US Has Done in the Last 20 Years

Irangate: Trump and Elect Kamala

Unlike Russiagate, Irangate is real and has roots in the White House.

Rape=Resistance; Beepers=Genocide

There is no legitimate way for Israel to take out a terrorist.

Should the UN Enjoy Immunity for Crimes Committed by its Personnel?

Suspect in Trump shooting attempt urged others to ‘finish the job’

Imagine Media Mania if Attempt to Assassinate Kamala by a Trump Supporter

I don’t need to talk about how crazy the media would go if the roles were reversed

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi Was NOT An American

There was nothing 'American' about her support for Islamic terrorists

Why Men Absolutely HATE Kamala

Male voters were alienated by the "Joy" convention.

Kamala’s Islamists

BDS, Al Qaeda, “Kill the Jews” and Kamala’s “Incredible Muslim Team”.

Keffiyah Man Attacks Jewish Students at U Pitt

The only known basis for the attack is that the students were wearing identifying Jewish clothing.

RFK Jr: Democracy Trumps Democrats

"In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it.”


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