The Hamas Surrender Deal Sets Up Trump to Fail

The Trump administration is being tricked into adopting the Biden administration's Hamas policy.

Media Lies About Muslim Street Violence Against Jews in Amsterdam

The media quickly rushed into cover-up mode, describing it as ‘soccer hooliganism’ and a ‘clash’ involving ‘fans of an Israeli soccer team’ triggered by the burning of a PLO flag.

Why Does the Murder of 3 Jews in Israel Rate Less of a Response...

Condemnations from the organizational American Jewish establishment lacked the intensity of outrage over the recent wave of cultural antisemitism from black celebrities.

Bernie Sanders Went to ISNA Convention w/Supporters of Killing Gays, Won’t Go To AIPAC

Bernie did go to ISNA where there are plenty of supporters of killing Jews, Americans, and other people Bernie hates.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Justified Violence Against Jews Twice in 7 Days

AOC also endorsed the anti-Israel progressive group IfNotNow, saying it is “amazing” and “organizing for justice.”

Jewish Voice for Peace’s 11 Best Excuses for Inviting a Murderer of Jews

JVP is an anti-Semitic hate group with a most ironic name: It's neither Jewish nor peaceful. JVP invited a convicted Islamic terrorist who assisted in murdering Jews to address and inspire their group


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