Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz
President Joe Biden delivers remarks to the nation.

At some yet to be determined point in the last 4 years, the President of the United States became mentally incompetent.

Rather than admit that and allow his vice president to step in, cover-up began in which White House staffers and advisers began carrying out actions in his name. The charade continued until a disastrous debate performance led the party to dump Biden on the grounds of mental competency even while leaving his in charge of the country. Despite an electoral trashing, the figures behind the administration have continued operating in his name and in their final weeks in power have engaged in a dramatic effort to stymie the incoming administration, to set new precedents and to transform America.


The documents bear Biden’s name but we have multiple points of testimony from associates that he is not mentally incompetent. An NSC advisor on camera recently stated that Biden is essentially “dead”: he “can’t say a sentence.“

Over the last 4 years, a coup was launched during which a mentally incompetent man was propped up in office and decisions were made in his name. Those behind it could have left office with him gracefully, instead they have chosen to extend their crimes by actively sabotaging the incoming administration and trying to make permanent their various dirty deals.

Congress must begin mental competency hearings on Biden with a view to pursuing court actions to invalidate all actions taken in his name from a time when he was no longer legally competent.

Biden administration officials should be subpoenaed. All relevant medical records should be obtained. A legally viable starting date must be established that will then invalidate all actions taken from that point forward.

That includes today’s commutation of sentences for mass murderers.

Mental competency hearings are vital for restoring the public’s trusts in the government and for holding the perpetrators of the senility coup accountable.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.