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In yesterday’s article, ‘Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Fit to be President’, I wrote that, “Democrats have subverted what they call ‘democracy’ by ousting their own nominee who received 14 million votes but who were ultimately outvoted by donors with $1.4 billion.”

This was a mockery of democracy by a party that had built its identity and current campaign around the ‘d’ word. It was driven by another ‘d’ word, donors. Donor pressure ensured Democrats would oust Biden. Donors shut down Biden’s cash flow to force him to step down. And now donors are picking the next VP.


Who needs democracy anyway?

Major Democratic donors are funding a preliminary vetting process for potential vice-presidential nominees should President Biden exit the race, according to four people familiar with the process, suggesting that influential figures in the party are growing increasingly restless and concerned about the time remaining to mount a national campaign.

Donors decided Biden should step out. Donors decided Kamala should step in. Now donors will pick her VP.

Ironic for a party that loudly insisted it wanted to get money out of politics and that it was run by people power. Now the people have been excluded from the process which isn’t even happening in smoke-filled rooms, but is entirely the function of a small group of donors. Democrats have become a party of the donors, by the donors and for the donors.

Isn’t donorocracy wonderful?

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.