Photo Credit: Tim Engleman
University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning

The media spent months shamelessly pushing a hoax that falsely claimed that a supporter of Israel had shot three Arab Muslim men in Vermont because they were wearing keffiyahs. In fact the man who shot them had supported Hamas and likely had no idea who they were. The media never recanted that hoax.

Meanwhile, the ongoing Muslim violence against Jewish students like that which was documented in the recent Columbia U report and this latest attack at the University of Pittsburgh gets buried by the media.

Two Jewish students were attacked on the University of Pittsburgh campus late Friday by a man wearing a Palestinian scarf and wielding a bottle.

Campus police arrested Jarrett Buba, 52, in the assault, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reported. University officials said he had no known affiliation with the school.

Buba, who lives in the Oakland neighborhood where the school is located and was wearing a keffiyeh, the checkered scarf associated with Palestinians, had been sitting at a table across a main street from where the students were walking on the final day of the first week of classes.

The students, who were both wearing yarmulkes, told cops they made eye contact with Buba but kept walking.

He then ran across the street and attacked them from behind about 6 p.m., the criminal complaint said, according to the Post Gazette.

They fought back, bringing Buba to the ground while they waited for campus cops to arrive.

The police report said one of the students had cuts on his face and the other was bleeding from cuts on his neck, the Post Gazette said. One was taken to a local hospital and later released.

The area where the attack took place was the scene of pro-Palestinian protests during spring semester calling for the university to divest from Israel in response to the war in Gaza.


The only known basis for the attack is that the students were wearing identifying Jewish clothing.

The pretense that there’s any distinction between antisemitism and antizionism is as dead as the latest six hostages.

And campuses continue to pander to the Hamas supporters, Islamists and Marxists while driving Jewish and conservative students off campus.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.