Photo Credit: Executive Office of the President
J. K. Rowling at the White House

The Wall Street Journal has a write-up on the internal drama at Warners over Harry Potter J.K. Rowling who believes, heretically, that women are women and men are men (and not women.)

In June 2020, as the controversy reached a high pitch, Warner issued a statement: “We recognize our responsibility to foster empathy and advocate understanding of all communities and all people, particularly those we work with.”

Rowling wanted a stronger showing of support. Studio leaders felt they could not offer one without angering employees or other creative partners, such as the Wachowski sisters brothers, trans women men behind Warner’s Matrix series.

The Matrix famously had a pill choice. WB chose the wrong one. Harry Potter was a good deal more popular and had more of a future than the Matrix which had one good movie and whose attempt at a recent sequel failed badly despite whatever goodwill Keanu Reeves had amassed.


Like Disney, Warners also allowed woke activist employees to take it hostage with horrible results.

An awkward family reunion neared. Warner’s streaming service, then called HBO Max, planned to stream a Harry Potter cast reunion in January 2022, gathering Radcliffe and other former students at the fictional Hogwarts School where the Potter series takes place.

Executives at Warner wondered how to involve Rowling. Some cast members didn’t want to see her, making one-on-one conversations between Rowling and an actor too risky to put on camera. Maybe she could narrate the special? Or appear by herself?

The problem was solved for them when word came that Rowling wanted no involvement at all in the reunion. The team behind the special was relieved.

Then Warners desperately tried to get her on board without publicly saying so. Hollywood is trying to cancel Rowling and have its profitable Harry Potter cake too.

{Reposted from FrontPageMagazine}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.