Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore
Kamala Harris, June 1, 2019

Was Kamala ‘border czar’? According to Axios, the online media outlet which described her as such at the time, she never was.


Axios has retroactively corrected itself.

What about Kamala’s voting track record? rushed to ‘correct’ itself too.

This is just a small sample of what is happening on a larger scale.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted… And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.” George Orwell, 1984

This is what the media did with Obama. It more casually tried to do this with Biden, but never really committed to it because he wasn’t seen as an ideological champion, but as the seat-warmer and placeholder he proved to be. Kamala has however now been branded as an ideological champion which means that history must be urgently rewritten and a cult of personality manufactured.

And the media and other supposed non-partisan institutions (when the media calls something non-partisan, it’s left-leaning at best) are quickly rushing to erase and recreate the past to bring forth Kamala’s vision of being ‘unburdened by the past.’

And you can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.