Trying to nationalize chain stores, dot coms and the rest of the modern economy is not only hopeless, but it won’t produce any income worth mentioning from an economy that is based more on marketing and price cutting, than on production. There are already plenty of government class businesses turning out government subsidized windmills and solar panels. There’s no point to nationalizing them because they already serve as instruments of government policy, their owners are politically connected and they are already failing nearly as fast as they would if the government were running them.
The government class needs the working class. But it is acting as if it doesn’t. Like a dumb predator, it keeps eating and eating on instinct, swallowing up its ideological enemies in the hopes of gaining a total control that it would not know what to do with.
The parasite has gotten so big that it believes that it is the host and that the host is the parasite. It is completely sincere about its attacks on the host and that makes it even more dangerous. Under the influence of its own propaganda, the government class has come to think of itself as productive and creative, and of the working class as a parasitic blot, holding on to the money that rightfully belongs to the government class. But just as parasites cannot survive without hosts, governments cannot survive without people to do the actual work.
The government class has shown that it is unwilling and unable to make the responsible decisions that need to be made. It is being led by liars and fools who see it as a lever for upending and taking over a working class society, and replacing it with a parasite’s paradise of academics making laws, unions setting their own terms and a government that is always expanding and never contracting.
A host and a parasite of equal size cannot both survive for long. Either both the host and the parasite will die. Or the parasite will die and the host will live.
Originally published at Sultan Knish.