Pathetic Police
When will Israel finally wake up and admit today's enemy is Amalek and deal with them conclusively?
Don’t Be A Dhimmi! No Surrender!
In Islam, there is no such thing as peace with accursed dhimmis as the Muslims refer to us infidels.
Cast The Foreigner Out
Am Yisrael's in spiritual danger here in Israel because religious Jews aid missionaries like Hayovel
GODTV: Divine or Manufactured Outrage?
GODTV is a menace, but it is merely one deadly tendril of hundreds of evangelical tendrils trying to spread the gospel to Jews in Israel.
Anti-Missionary Conference
Originally scheduled to be held elsewhere, the hotel canceled, pressured by local missionary groups
10 Things Learned from Haaretz’ Recent Article on “Hayovel Ministry” and other Evangelical Groups
The war between committed Jews and Hellenists is never over. It is a lifelong war until the arrival of the true Jewish Moshiach, who will be a man of flesh, and not some reincarnated composite of ancient pagan religions
Israel has some wild places left; places to reflect and think, to get lost, to try to find ourselves
The New Peace Movements Exposed
The new peaceniks delusion: Jewish Israelis should abandon our “white, western, identify” and identify with a greater “Semitic” sense of self and this will lead to peace with our murderous neighbors
No Hero of Mine
What Rabin called a peace treaty, Arafat called a phased plan of destruction, screaming "JIHAD!"
The Jewish People: No Commonality with Indians
As Jews we differ from "Indigenous peoples" because our conquests of Eretz Yisrael were Divine mandated and that is our sole, and unbeatable, claim to Israel.
The Real Likud
Perhaps Feiglin never truly left the Likud. In truth, they threw him out on his face.
Chareidi Bashing: An Ugly Past-time
"Enlightened Jews" who refuse to show chareidim the tolerance they insist we give to Arabs sicken me
Pre-Emptive Attack or Premature Burial
The incident in Karnei Shomron should be a warning. Security personnel tasked with protecting a community shirked their duty in the face of Arab terror. Be alert!
Monsters Exist: Judaism’s Cognizance of Evil
We need more of the teachings of torat Moshe Rabbeinu, and less of the arrogance of Moshe Dayan; More of the glory of King David and less of David Ben Gurion’s 'Ghandi-esque' restraint.
A Minyan of the Dead
A ceasefire not only gives Hamas a victory, it will destroy the morale of the IDF and the country.
Zaidy Made Us Laugh
Men such as my grandfather are the equivalent of foundation stone. The world exists because of such people. When they are gone, our job is to appreciate their legacy and to share some of their essence
True Jewish Independence
The haunting sirens of this season do indeed resonate with me, and I have no cynicism for the custom, only for the failure of leadership to learn the lessons.
He Should Have Stayed Home
Netanyahu remains obsessed with gaining the unattainable love from the EU and all Jew-hating Europe
We Are Still NOT Indigenous: A Counter-Response
I reject flawed efforts to defend our right to our Promised Land, just because hasbara types mistakenly feel that it is a good secular argument to reach the world.
The Lynching of Elor Azaria
Even if Elor Azaria is pardoned, the shame of the verdict, of the Bolshevik investigation and kangaroo court which tarred and feathered him from day one, these will never be erased.
Reticence and Respectability: The RCA of 2015
The RCA should have been resolute years ago when the first “Rabbahs” & “Maharats” were ordained
Obama’s Forked Tongue
American Jews who go gaga for Obama are first and foremost “Liberals of the Mosaic Persuasion”
Kahane Was Right! Now What?
It was the first pogrom in history that was proudly and brazenly documented by the same gleeful demons who committed it, with go-pro video cameras affixed to their heads.
The Jordanian Menace
As Arabs murder and maim Jews, Jordan's leaders bark the blood libel of “Israeli aggression.”
They Are Not Jews!
This cult was tolerated because weak Israeli politicians were afraid to expel these black-racists
The Looming Bedouin Intifada
The new “Begin Plan” is an impending nightmare, it rewards the Bedouins for brazen land-grabbing.
The War for Halachic Judaism
Now is a time for intellectual zealousness for Hashem. Men of Torah need to face the new heresies and radical innovations, and intellectually combat the religious proponents of these foreign notions.
Maccabees or Mice? The Tragedy of Self-Imposed Dhimmitude
Leftist Jews in Israel are incensed by Jews building homes in liberated YESHA yet indifferent to Islamic provocation by blasting their call to prayer over loudspeakers assaulting Jews in the process
Ethics NOT Ethnicity
Jews have historical connections to the land which predate any contemporary people on earth. Of that there is no doubt, but our sole claim to the land is solely that it was given to us by G-d.
What If The Maccabees Had Fled?
Let us become modern day Maccabees and seize the day. Embrace the challenge. Fight for Hashem.