Photo Credit: Courtesy of Binyamin Regional Council
Palestinian Authority terror victims Naama and Rabbi Eitam Henkin.

So many important things to say; necessary, redundant statements I and others have stated countless times before. And yet, I am speechless. I have no energy for poetics, nor any desire to be creative at this tragic moment.

Daily we mourn murdered kedoshim, slaughtered by Arabs in the most barbaric and grotesque ways! Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin (may G-d avenge their blood!) were slaughtered by Arabs (yemach shmam v’zichram) in front of their four children.


We entered last Shabbat with more tears for murdered brothers and sisters. Heart-wrenching sobs for orphaned Jewish children who will never know “normal.” Screams to the Heavens for the spectacle of a 9 year old reciting Kaddish for both his parents. After the Jewish heart has cried its last drop, the Jewish heart needs to cultivate and kindle a different emotion. At the end of the day, we need to gird ourselves with rage and a desire to see evil annihilated. When the tears dry, the Henkin’s blood will still scream out for vengeance.

No doubt, Netanyahu and Yaalon will respond to this horror with more KGB/Shabak tactics against Jews, on the pretext of stopping Jews from retaliating against Arabs. Once again, there will be neither evidence, charges, nor trial as Jews are imprisoned for indefinite periods of time, courtesy of the notorious abuses of “Administrative Detention.”

The great Irgun leader, David Raziel acted so unlike Netanyahu when Arabs murdered Jews. Bibi fancies himself a successor to the early great Zionist leaders who reacted with collective, collateral damage against the enemy, when they slaughtered Jews as a pack of hyenas ravage a gazelle. When Nazis desire your extermination, you don’t nitpick and decide which Germans deserve to get it tenfold. The Arabs are today’s Nazis. While Jews are gutted, Bibi gives eloquent speeches. In truth, he spits upon Raziel’s legacy. Netanyahu’s response is more typical of the classic Mapai ideology. The sin of shackled hands whenever Jews are killed.

B’dam Va’esh. Blood and fire! David Raziel and other great leaders of Lechi and the Irgun responded to Arab terror with unrelenting violence. Not the sanitized surgical violence of today’s weaklings in government, but the inferno of vengeance of those who had enough of Jewish funerals and the wailing of survivors. It’s time to fight wars the way the Torah mandates, not the way the U.N. or Obama would have us fight them. The Arabs neither appreciate nor fear the olive branch of havlaga (self-restraint) or the wilting reed of hasbara (public relations).

On the day when our crippled leadership falls and normal people seize the reigns, I humbly submit my conscription to an army committed to truly fighting these savages. To fight the way Jewish wars are meant to be fought. In truth, this is why I made Aliyah. To fight for Eretz Yisroel, not merely to live in the land.

May Hashem comfort and protect the children of these murdered kedoshim. And may we soon see total vengeance for Arab barbarism.

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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.