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Candace Owens

“It is a known rule: Esau hates Jacob.”Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

For those who may have forgotten, or who were distracted by the left’s unrelenting Jew-hatred in recent years, antisemitism in the U.S. is not the exclusive domain of leftists, though, to be sure, the most aggressive manifestations have come from this sector. We’ve seen this post October 7th, with the shocking phenomenon of pogroms on American campuses, uniting leftists and Islamicists.


Another element of this alliance is that as the Democratic Party has become more radical, antisemitism has become an integral component of the party. The Hamas adoring Squad is proof that today’s Democratic Party fully embraces Jew hatred.

Yet alongside this overt assault on Jews, since October 7th, we’ve also seen the dark underbelly of hatred from the extreme right. In today’s disturbing climate, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens have arisen as two prominent voices peddling blood libels.

The following article focuses exclusively on Owens, since her descent into Jew-hatred since October 7th has been total, and she lacks the intellect to mask it. She even appears to revel in disseminating her bile.

A product of clever branding, Owens was given an undeserved platform by well-intended Jewish conservatives several years back. As a liberal several years earlier she was a failed blogger. However, when she started to parrot conservative talking points, she came off as an enthusiastic, young, black woman (a rarity among younger blacks) who seemed unafraid to speak common sense.

The reality was that she was never properly vetted and the project backfired. Her true nature eventually came out.

It doesn’t take a mind-reader to know that her current war against Jews stems from her rage against Ben Shapiro, who called her out earlier this year (albeit belatedly and mildly) for her obvious anti-Israel bias which together with other statements strongly suggested an anti-Jewish bias. Eventually, as her behavior became impossible to defend, she was fired from The Daily Wire.

Prominent Jews provided her with a public platform, and in return, Owens did what blacks did to liberal Jews in the 1960’s. She turned on them and bit the hand that fed her.

Though I have yet to hear her state it outright, it appears that Owens may have been influenced by Pat Buchanan, judging from her isolationist antisemitism and the use of religious motifs to stir up ancient hatreds.

AntiSemites are delighted. Since her firing from The Daily Wire (which should have occurred a year or two earlier when she started holding hands in public with the mentally ill Kanye West), judging from the engagement on X, her audience is primarily anti-Jewish.

Whereas Owens used to converse with Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro, today she shares conspiracy theories about Jews and Israel. The following is a sampling of the poison she spouts on her podcasts.

Tarring Israel with Crimes

  • The Liberty Libel – Owens argues that in 1967, Israel deliberately targeted the U.S. ship, the Liberty. This discredited claim is a popular motif parroted by antisemites on the far right who are enamored with Hitler, including the “Groypers” headed by the neo-Nazi shrimp, Nick Fuentes. It is unlikely that Owens even heard of The Liberty. More likely, some malcontent neo-Nazi on X sent her a DM.
  • Genocide Libel – She perpetuates the claim (implied if not stated outright) that Israel is guilty of genocide in Gaza. Shortly after October 7th, she interviewed Norman Finkelstein, whose shocking reaction to Hamas’s barbarism was to gloat. Finkelstein makes the claim of genocide outright.
  • Sexual Abuse Allegations – In the absence of evidence, Owens charges the collective Israeli public and IDF with rape and sexual abuse. Tragically, the left in Israel disseminates these lies, as seen with the current controversy with the Sdei Teiman Facility. Shades of what the left did years ago with Deir Yasin, when false allegations of rape were disseminated by the left, which in turn became fodder for the world media. Owens and people like her take the word of serial rapist murderers of men, women, and children as if it was a heavenly revelation. With the sole desire to tar Jews as sexual perverts, she makes the following shocking generalization.

“So it’s been confirmed Israel is raping and torturing Palestinian detainees – why are Christians silent on this? I’ll tell you why. ” – Podcaster Candace Owens, as posted on her X account on 8/1/24

Nothing ever changes for Jews. Rapists and murderers of Jews and the defenders of such barbarians tar us with the crimes they are guilty of perpetrating themselves. There is GENUINE footage of Jewish women being raped. Owens doesn’t give a damn.

It has always been this way. Hamas gleefully documented hours of rape and slaughter on their GoPros, and in the eyes of the Candace Owens types, we Jews are the demons.

Classical Jew Hatred

Owens is a medieval-style antisemite, drawing deep into the past to demonize Jews as satanic enemies of Christianity. She exploits her newly adopted Catholic faith to stir up Jew-hatred and to whitewash the church’s history of barbarism against us. And she is just getting started as she is fed new resources of Jew-hating materials.

  • Blood Libels – Candace has disseminated the blood libel against Leo Frank who was lynched by an antisemitic mob in 1915 for the alleged murder of Mary Phagan in Atlanta. Reputable scholars agree that Frank was never given a fair trial. Contrary to the facts, she asserts that Frank received a fair trial. In truth, he received the same justice that thousands of innocent blacks received during the lynching craze of the Jim Crow South.

Candace posted on X:

“May she (Mary Phagan) rest in peace. Why would the @ADL support the pedophile who ruthlessly raped and murdered her during Passover no less?” Remember Mary Phagan, this 13 year old murder victim, the next time the ADL tries to tell you who needs to be put on a hate list. She was no match for the power and wealth of Leo Frank and his B’nai B’rith connections. He harassed her and many other of the young girls who worked for him- as they testified. ” 

The mob that lynched Frank might very well have done likewise to Owens. In early twentieth century Atlanta, southern whites would have strung up both her and her white husband as punishment for what they perceived as the crime of race-mixing. Furthermore, they would have likely been demonized as papist perverts!

  • Real Jews vs Frankists/Satanism: This is Owens’ new ruse to justify her hatred. Lacking intellect to match her cunning, Owens attacks Jews and Israel with the qualifier that these aren’t real Jews. She now declares that those she deems perpetrators of bad actions are really Frankists or Satanists, and that they are an affront to real Owens claims to LOVE Jews. It’s those fake Jews who are trying to destroy the beautiful Jewish religion. Fake Jews, (and for that matter, fake practitioners of the other major religions,) are really satanists. Ironically, only Jews and Israel cause her to lose sleep. One doesn’t see her calling out the Catholic Church very often. On the contrary, she sanitizes its crimes, including the sins of the Spanish Inquisition. As far as she is concerned, the rampant sexual abuse within the Catholic Church that came to light in recent years, has all been resolved.

Owens has demonized Sigmund Freud and Leo Frank as Frankists who worship “Kabbalah”. This has led her to inquire how Jews could worship Kabbalah if they are supposed to ‘worship the Torah’. This provides us with a window into her mind. Candace isn’t the brightest bulb. No person with a modicum of knowledge about Judaism would utter such ignorance. We Jews worship the One True Hashem.  We FOLLOW Torah. We don’t WORSHIP it.

*Owens uses the ADL as a boogie-man. Lacking historical knowledge, she conflates the ADL of the Leo Frank era (which was an ineffectual advocacy group headed by frightened Jews), with the left-wing ADL of today, which bears no resemblance to the former, and despite its prominence is a useless establishment organization. The ADL has never represented true Judaism or Jews in any fashion, any more than Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi represent Catholicism. Although a full treatment of the ADL is beyond the scope of this article, this author has many serious grievances against this leftist organization. 

Modern Manifestations of Hatred

  • Pseudoscience: Owens flirts with the discredited pseudo-history Khazar theory favored by antisemites. By her own admission, she is  now “exploring the Talmud” which will become another treasure trove of information to malign Jews.
  • Holocaust Denial – She has expressed her perverse belief that Mengele’s well-documented medical experiments during the Holocaust either never occurred or are exaggerated. She often questions why one can’t talk about Hitler, and she makes the outrageous claim that the Allies committed genocide against German citizens after WWII.  As noted above, she platforms the idea that Israel is currently engaged in genocide.
  • Jews Control the Economy & Media: Owens is now trying to pacify the same black society she alienated herself from several years ago. The key to her forgiveness? Embracing bigotry against Jews, which is unfortunately rampant in the black community, as propagated by many black artists and entertainers. Consider her recent remarks on X: “Much of what Ye (Kanye) said back in 2022, I then got to experience firsthand. 

The threatening and controlling of the black voice when we ordain to speak out against people that are abusing us across various industries needs to stop. I will not be bullied into Zionist talking points.”

Candace Owens attacks Jews in any way that she can, using any argument to dehumanize us.

A colleague of mine, Moshe Schwartz, noted a curiosity about Owens. As a supposed conservative, she only cites fringe leftist Israeli “scholars”. In other matters, she would likely label these same Jewish sources as Frankists (or Satanists). In a similar vein, despite her pretense to be a religious Catholic, she embraces sexual degenerates like the notorious Tate brothers and Kanye West, who have been involved with pornography and continue to peddle in filth (if not outright pornography). When it serves her interest to foment Jew hatred she suspends her purported religious sensibilities

She claims to have conducted vast research into her beliefs. Any lunatic can swim in the sewers of the dark web. She is ill-read. After all, this is a woman who thought the Muslim Quarter was proof of Israeli segregation against Arabs. She had the arrogance to state this publicly during one of her shows. She lacks shame.

Jew haters come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Candace Owens is merely the latest public persona to show us her talons. As an online influencer, she may be the most prominent personality to shift from a mainstream conservative platform with prominent Jewish conservatives as friends and colleagues to an overt antisemite. As such, she needs to be exposed as one would a Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, David Duke, or Nick Fuentes.

Prominent Jews who supported her in the past, people like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, David Rubin, and Mark Levin, have a moral obligation to expose her.  Gentiles who claim to love Jews yet remain silent illustrate the limitations of their love. Charlie Kirk comes to mind. Will Owens speak at the next Turning Point event? If the answer is yes, Charlie is no philosemite.

At the end of the day, the eternal law remains. Esau hates Jacob. Owens is merely the latest example. While Hamas butchers us, she reaches out to Jew-haters from across the political divide to demonize us.

She even has Jewish fools debate and converse on her podcasts to provide cover, and illustrate her willingness to engage in discussion. (One Jewish writer on the right recently wrote an article in defense of her, though subsequent social media posts suggest that he now recognizes his mistake. I eagerly await a follow-up article, since the first article neglected to address her libeling of Leo Frank, which is indisputable proof of her bias.)

By joining hands with would-be exterminationists, by questioning the Holocaust and Hitler, by smearing Jews as exterminationist rapists, Candace Owens is stoking fires that will lead to global violence against Jews.

She is a partner of Hamas and a useful idiot for Iran and Hezbollah. As with all Amalekites, she has picked up the banner against Am Yisrael. As such, it is proper to pray for her utter ruination.

Yemach shma v’zichra.

Postscript: As she is likely to descend deeper into the abyss of Jew-hatred, the author will likely need to address Candace Owens in future articles. Unlike wine, antisemites get worse as they age.


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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.