INTO THE FRAY: Israel Victory Caucus – Assessing Actionable Alternatives
The Humanitarian Paradigm, advocating funded emigration of Palestinian-Arabs appears the most plausible method for achieving the goals of the Israel Victory Caucus
INTO THE FRAY: Back from the Brink!
The false façade of Blue & White was even more friable and fragile than anyone imagined; under the assault of recalcitrant reality, even the fast-drying Bibiphobic glue proved unable to hold things together.
Into the Fray: D-Y-S-T-O-P-I-A!!
The opponents of the proposed judicial reform are not defending liberal democracy, but promoting Orwellian dystopia
INTO THE FRAY: US and Israeli Jews Deeply Divided on Life and Death Issues
The policy preferences of much of US Jewy seem even more paradoxically perverse—as they are undeniably lending support to political regimes that comprise the diametric opposite of the enlightened liberal values the purport to cherish
INTO THE FRAY: The New “Nuts”—Jeffrey Goldberg, the Jerusalem Post & the Question of...
For those who subscribe to progressive liberal values of pluralism and tolerance, who is nuts: Those who support the establishment of a self-governing Palestinian entity--or those who oppose it?
INTO THE FRAY: Obama at the UN – Why he was right…almost
Obama’s UN address was an eloquent concoction of soaring rhetoric & banal platitudes, of statements of the obvious & of the obviously false, delivered with impeccable polish and panache.
INTO THE FRAY: The Humanitarian Paradigm – Answering FAQs (Part 2)
Sequel to the dispelling of doubts regarding the feasibility - and morality - of largescale, financially incentivized emigration as the only non-kinetic approach for resolution of the Israel-Palestinian impasse.
INTO THE FRAY: “Terror”, tigers and tabby cats…
One cannot but think that if another country treated Jews, wearing “kippot” and “peyote”, the way Jewish minors, accused of “terror” are treated in Israel, it would surely be engulfed in a wave of outrage and condemned for blatant anti-Semitism
INTO THE FRAY: INSS’s Puerile, Preposterous Proposal
The cynically minded may be forgiven for suspecting that the prime goal of INSS’s newly launched plan is the demolition of Jewish communities, rather than the future resolution of conflict or enhanced Israeli security
INTO THE FRAY: Israel- Lost Without a Map?
It is difficult to know what is more disturbing-whether some ministers actually believe in the policy proposals they promote – or whether they don’t—but promote them anyway
INTO THE FRAY: Let the PA Collapse
Despite possible short term difficulties, Israel should seize on the impending collapse of the Palestinian Authority as an opportunity to extricate itself from the deadly cul-de-sac, into which the Oslo process has lured it
INTO THE FRAY: The UN vote on Jerusalem: A disturbing diplomatic debacle
When India supports an anti-Israel resolution, while Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine do not—invoking ingrained anti-Semitism rings somewhat hollow, and alternative explanations are called for
INTO THE FRAY: Judicial Overreach- Are the Chickens Coming Home to Roost?
There is a growing sense that the aura of infallibility accorded the Supreme Court, that forms the basis of its almost limitless power, so assiduously (some might say insidiously) cultivated by Chief Justice Aharon Barak, is beginning to dim
INTO THE FRAY: Fickle, Faithless, Feckless
There seems no rational explanation for Blue and White's manifestly irrational behavior other than that Netanyahu’s rivals’ seemingly pathological ad hominem hatred for him has totally unhinged them from any reasonable and responsible political action.
INTO THE FRAY: A Constitution -The “Excuse–du Jour”
The raising of the issue of a constitution as a potential way out of the political impasse over the future of Israel's legal system is nothing but a red herring on the part of the opponents of judicial reform
INTO THE FRAY: An Imperative Precursor for Victory-A Diplomatic “Iron-Dome”
Israel requires a massive strategic public diplomacy offensive to generate the freedom of action required for victory-oriented policy
Into the Fray: Trump’s Presidential Decree on the Golan – A Moral and Practical...
In issuing his recent presidential decree, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, President Donald followed the commendable policy pattern he has set...of not following the policy patterns set by his predecessors.
INTO THE FRAY: My New Year Appeal to Caroline Glick – Rethink “The Israeli Solution”.
Glick’s prescription for a “A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East” will jeopardize the Zionist enterprise no less than the two-state paradigm, which she rightly repudiates with great force and eloquence.
INTO THE FRAY: November: Persian Preferences
INTO THE FRAY: Two-Statism Gone Mad -Touting a Giant South Lebanon on Fringes of...
As their vision of two-states descends into irrelevance, 'two-staters' wax increasingly desperate and delusional, and their policy proposals, increasingly unhinged and unethical.
INTO THE FRAY: Naftali Goldfarb or Gonen Bennett?
In a single act of rash duplicity and deceit, Naftali Bennett provided the left with a plumb prize, from which it has been precluded for years: Broad access to positions of governmental control and influence.
INTO THE FRAY: Swastikas over Gaza!
Nothing could expose the true intent of the Judeocidal riots on Gaza border more than the Nazi-style swastikas on incendiary kites flown into Israel to set Jewish property (& if possible, Jewish people) ablaze.
Into the Fray: You Couldn’t Make this Up
There may well be things more depraved than an Israeli minister soliciting funds for a self-declared mortal foe, but none comes readily to mind
INTO THE FRAY: An Inane, Insane Initiative
Once you utter the password, "two-state solution," you are welcomed into ‘polite society’ and invited to prestigious events to expound on your “progressive perspectives” no matter how preposterous
INTO THE FRAY: Coup d’état?
Netanyahu was elected as the Prime Minster, not as the Pope. Accordingly, he should be judged primarily on the basis of his political and strategic accomplishments, not his personal morality
INTO THE FRAY: Yair Lapid -Thinking the Unthinkable
When the official reasons given for the Oct. 2022 gas deal with Lebanon unravel, who can be blamed for allowing "heretical" alternative explanations to creep into one's mind
INTO THE FRAY: Natalie Portman as a Symptom
Israel must convey a resolute message to arm-chair liberals who are staunchly prepared to defend their principles…down to the last Israeli
INTO THE FRAY: For America: Respite – NOT Redemption
For America, and everything that made it America, the results of Tuesday’s election are a welcome and necessary respite - but are far from being a lasting redemption
INTO THE FRAY: A Palestinian State? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
There is precious little reason to believe that any Palestinian state established in areas evacuated by Israel would not swiftly degenerate into a mega-Gaza overlooking greater Tel Aviv.
INTO THE FRAY: Cracks in the Dome?
The huge investments made in defensive systems are slowly emerging as an exorbitant and costly failure—or at best a very partial and temporary success. The time has come to rethink Israel’s strategic paradigm.