Abbas At UN: Deception And Incitement

"We have succeeded in raising an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life"

Haaretz Claims Right-Wing Voters Support Division Of Jerusalem

We came across this startling headline in Haaretz:"Most Right-Wing Voters Support Establishment of Palestinian State and Division of Jerusalem." But Haaretz, as dovish and radical as it is, surely wouldn't lie straight out, would they? So how did they come up with such a headline?

Interpreting the Signs in Northern Jerusalem

Amid an intense Israeli election campaign in which "keeping Jerusalem united" figured prominent as a key issue, the question continues to crop up: Is Jerusalem already being divided?

World Barks As ‘Building Jerusalem’ Caravan Moves On

With the international community barely having finished expressing its outrage over Israel's decision to build in E-1, between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim (reported at length in last week's column), two other similar decisions have been made that are sure to re-ignite the flames.

Sukkot Brings Out International Love For Israel

The contrast with the increasing manifestations of international anti-Semitism is stark, and raises the question: What is the source of this incredible and effusive love for Israel from so many different stripes of people?

Celebrating Jerusalem’s Liberation And Unification

48 years ago this week the IDF with heroism & Divine providence liberated our holy capital Jerusalem

Atarot: The Future Of Jerusalem

Atarot's sister-settlement, N'vei Yaakov, has now become two flourishing Jewish neighborhoods – N'vei Yaakov and Pisgat Ze'ev – in which many tens of thousands of residents reside.

Jerusalem Continues To Set Records

Arab attacks on Jews must be stopped and Jewish construction in Jerusalem must proceed without hindrance.

Whose Jerusalem?

Nearly eighty percent of Americans believe the Bible is either absolutely accurate or at least the "inspired word of God," surveys have shown. Around the world, Christianity and Islam comprise an estimated eighty-four percent of the world's population – demonstrating that the Bible clearly has an extraordinary influence over humanity. It is puzzling, then, that the concept of "exclusive Jewish rights" to Jerusalem has not yet caught on internationally.

From Kidnapped Yemenite Children To Renewed Yemenite Village In Jerusalem

Arabs claim Silwan as a historically Palestinian Arab neighborhood, yet it was practically empty when the first Yemenite Jews arrived in the 1880s; the Turks and British themselves recognized it as a Jewish neighborhood.

To Whom Does Jerusalem Belong?

When discussing Jewish rights in Jerusalem, it would seem nothing would be more natural to a Bible-believing world than the acceptance of these as self-evident.

Does Israel Have A Capital?

The U.S. presidential campaign is upon us, and one of the central issues – at least based on a perusal of recent press reports – is none other than the Jewish people's right to their own capital.

Jerusalem, City Of Headlines

A modern-day record for the number of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount was set this week on Jerusalem Day – 2,046 Jews! Among them were many who sang and danced, "May G-d rebuild His House soon!" a healthy expression of the Jewish People singing its joy at returning to its land and city.

From Barren Desolation To Blooming Growth

Good news in Yerushalayim: The government is expected to grant final approval next month to the first new neighborhood in the capital's liberated areas in 14 years.

Jerusalem Scores Media Victory, PA Keeps Lying

A big week for Jerusalem: Britain's Press Complaints Commission ruled that newspapers may not refer to Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital, and Palestinian Media Watch publicized five recent examples of the Palestinian Authority's ongoing attempts to erase Jewish history in Yerushalayim.

Why Jerusalem Must Remain In Jewish Hands

For Islam, which was founded when Judaism was about 2,500 years old, Jerusalem is only its third holiest city, following Mecca and Medina.

Temple Mount: Police at Breaking Point

While the Temple Mount evokes such strong Muslim emotions, it is no longer clear that it does the same for most Jews.

Temple Mount: Test Of Israeli Sovereignty

One doesn't have to be a Temple Mount loyalist to realize that something not good for the Jews is happening in the world's holiest spot – under Israeli sovereignty.

Does Netanyahu Want To Keep Jerusalem United?

As Minister Bennett explained, "The bill is a way to prevent a future situation in which a temporary majority such as existed under Olmert or Barak would bring about the division of Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish Nation." Is this threat not reason enough to support the bill?

The Modern-Day Siege Of Jerusalem And How We Can Overcome It

Over the past 30-plus years, there has been a massive wave of illegal building in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem, for the express purpose of creating geographic contiguity from Ramallah in the north to Bethlehem in the south.

The Jerusalem Butterfly Effect

The question of who owns which land in Jerusalem, and where Arabs or Jews will build and expand, has significance well beyond the borders of the city or even the country

Does Israeli Law Play Favorites In Sheikh Jarrah?

It is critical to emphasize this point: The controversial houses were built in the Jewish neighborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik, and not, as most news reports would have you believe, in Sheikh Jarrah.

Regards From ‘Down Under’ – And What The PA Really Wants

It's only natural to see increasing evidence of Jerusalem's glorious Jewish past being unearthed, quite literally, under modern Israeli sovereignty. The new archaeological finds are also very timely – as the Arab onslaught attempting to detach Jerusalem from its Jewish roots gains steam, the facts on the ground, or "under" the ground, show quite otherwise.

Mr. Kerry, Dig for the Truth!

One of the claims made by pro-Arab interests on Jerusalem is against archaeological findings.

Banish UNRWA From Jerusalem

Today, UNRWA maintains extensive office facilities in Jerusalem, including its local headquarters as well as the UNRWA Microfinance Department on Shlomo Zalman Shragai Street between Ramat Eshkol and Maalot Dafna, even as UNWRA does not recognize this area as Israeli Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Landfill Plan Shelved

A zoning plan that would have enabled the creation of critical Arab facts-on-the-ground in a strategically vital area of Jerusalem has been shelved thanks to efforts by several Zionist organizations.

Hamas’s War Against Yerushalayim

nce again, the world struggles, and fails, to understand that there is no essential difference between Zionism – the movement to restore a national Jewish presence in the Holy Land – and Judaism. It is impossible to be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic, and vice-versa.

Arab Mother: ‘Death For Jerusalem Is Natural For Us’

Arab mother: "Life is zero, life is worthless. That is why we have all the suicide bombers;"

New Jewish Construction Freeze Feared

It appears that when the dust settles after Obama's upcoming visit, Israel's housing market is very likely to take a big hit - in the form of a construction freeze.


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