Don’t Be Fooled By Hamas’s ‘Long-Term Ceasefire’ Ploy

As part of the deception, according to the IDF report, Hamas was working to convince Israel that it was interested in calm and was working for economic prosperity. The IDF investigation concluded that Hamas had planned the October 7 attack for more than 10 years.

Do Not Count on the Arabs to Rebuild Gaza or Help Palestinians

The Arab plan, notably, also does not call on Hamas to lay down its weapons. Do the Arab leaders really believe that Western donors would rush to invest tens of billions of dollars in the Gaza Strip while terrorists belonging to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other groups continue to roam the streets?

Why Arabs Don’t Want To Receive Palestinian Ex-Prisoners

The Arab countries'] refusal to take in Palestinian prisoners probably arises from the fact that these countries actually do not care about the Palestinians and even consider them an ungrateful people and troublemakers.

Hamas’s October 7 Massacre Is Part of Its Jihad to Destroy Israel

Some people in Israel are demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu step down and agree to Hamas's demand to end the war in the Gaza Strip.... These Israelis fail to understand that the October 7 massacre is just another phase of the Islamists' Jihad (holy war) against Israel.

Why Trump Must Insist on Removing Hamas From Power

Any deal that allows Hamas to remain in power would be disastrous for Israel, the Palestinians, and Arab states threatened by the Iran-led "Axis of Resistance" and undermine the Trump administration's credibility in the eyes of many in the Middle East. The Trump administration will appear as if it is only good at making empty threats.

‘Qatar is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar’

The Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas and other Palestinians on October 7, 2023 could have been released a long time ago had the Biden administration exerted pressure on Qatar to use its good relations with the Islamist group to force it to do so.

How Hamas Plans To Foil Trump’s Gaza Plan

Hamas is basically saying that if the Trump administration dares to implement the relocation and reconstruction plan, the terrorist organization will unleash a wave of terrorism against Americans and Palestinians.

Why The PA Will NOT Be Able to Control Gaza

The US Must Cut Ties with Qatar, Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Foreign Terrorist Organization

Qatar’s ‘Day After’ Plan for Gaza: Keeping Hamas in Power

The Qataris do not want the PA in the Gaza Strip to rein in Hamas and other terrorist groups, or to prevent attacks against Israel. Instead, they want the PA to act as a front to maintain Hamas's hold on power -- as a cover for keeping Hamas in power.

A Deal That Keeps Hamas in Power Is Meaningless

Hamas seems to be convinced that the deal will enable it to keep control of the Gaza Strip and prepare for more massacres of Jews.

Hamas Must Be Defeated, Not Legitimized

Hamas should not be permitted to play any role in the Gaza Strip after the war. This would allow the terror group to rearm and regroup and prepare for another October 7-style attack on Israel.

Iran’s New Plan: Lost Gaza, So Take West Bank

The Israeli operation aims to prevent Iran and its Palestinian proxies from opening a new front against Israel from the West Bank.

Iran’s War: Fighting Israel from the West Bank

The PA's failure to crack down on the "battalions" means that Iran now has a small army in the West Bank

Does the Palestinian Leadership Represent All Palestinians?

The Palestinian Conference for Palestinians Abroad claims to represent 6-7 million Palestinians in over 50 countries, and opposes the PLO and Palestinian Authority.

PA and Hamas Vying for Support of Palestinian Clans

It is clear that the Palestinian clans will be required to play some role in the administration of the Gaza Strip after the war

Judicial Reform Controversy Emboldened Israel’s Enemies

[T]he reports about military reservists threatening not to report for duty created the impression among Iran's mullahs and their terror proxies that the Israeli security establishment had been seriously undermined and was on the verge of collapse.

Why the Arabs ‘Betrayed’ the Palestinians

Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they are to Israel.

Hamas and Iran: Slaughtering Jews for Decades

Hamas launched its attack on Israel because it does not see a difference between a Jew living in a West Bank settlement and a Jew living in a city inside Israel.

Biden Administration Pushing Arabs Towards Iran

the agreement is an indication of the growing weakness of the US and the failed policy of the Biden administration in the Middle East. Thanks to the US administration's fragility, the Iranian-led axis of evil has been significantly emboldened as America's erstwhile Arab allies are rushing towards the open arms of the mullahs in Tehran.

The Apartheid Libel to Destroy Israel

If you are looking for real apartheid against Arabs, try Lebanon or Jordan.

What the Palestinians Need Now

Sadly, it does not look as if the Palestinians are coming any closer to freedom of speech or freedom of assembly -- unless it is to denounce Israel.

Palestinians: Why Are Attacks on Christians Being Ignored?

The attacks by Muslims on Christians are often ignored by the international community and media, who seem to speak out only when they can find a way to blame Israel.

Palestinians’ New Enemy: British Prime Minister Liz Truss

Evident from the attacks on the British prime minister, Western leaders are themselves becoming victims of the Palestinians' smear campaigns. This is what happens when Western governments lavish untold millions of dollars on the Palestinians without requiring accountability and without demanding an end to the venomous Palestinian rhetoric against Israel and Jews.

Israel’s ‘Peace Partner’ Is Slaughtering Israelis

The international community, for its part, is so preoccupied with bashing Israel that no one is calling out these putative Palestinian "peace partners" over their role in terrorism. This silence is also encouraging these Palestinian "peace partners" to continue their attacks.

Arabs to Biden: Do Not Sign the Iran Deal, It Will Start a War

The Arabs... appear convinced that that pouring billions of dollars on the mullahs will eventually bring terrorism and violence to the US and the other Western powers involved in the new deal, if not a major war.

Biden’s Weakness Casus Belli in Iran’s Proxy War Against Israel

Once again, the Biden administration's irresolution has only served to embolden the terrorists and their masters in Tehran, as well as the Russians and the Chinese Communist Party.

After Signed Deal, Iran Prepared to Take Out Israel

Iran is so confident that Biden has abandoned Arab allies in the Mid East they are issuing direct threats not only against Israel but also against ANY Arab country that cooperates with Israel

Biden Drops More Crucial Demands to Get Iran Deal

"The issue is not whether the agreement is signed or not.... [T]here is something more dangerous than this: Biden has completely abandoned the Arabs, allies and non-allies alike." — Sayed Zahra, August 20, 2022.


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