The U.S. may have promised the prime minister that it would act in Iran in exchange for a new “Disengagement.” The Americans will not keep their promise – and that is all for the better. Because the loss of legitimacy and the pressure that would come on the heels of such an action are much more dangerous than the Iranian bomb. The results of an American attack on Iran will be even more dangerous to Israel than Oslo, which was the result of the foreign attacks on the scuds sent our way by Saddam.
Netanyahu must attack Iran immediately. That is the only solution. If he does not do so, he will have signed himself onto the worst of all Israeli collapses: worse than Camp David, worse than Oslo, worse than the Disengagement.
Just like all of his predecessors who led the Right, the diplomatic process that Netanyahu is now being dragged into will not stabilize his government. Besides the loss of the land, Netanyahu will also lose his ruling position and the Likud will find itself in a place similar to that of Kadima.
This column was translated from Hebrew and originally appeared in Makor Rishon.