Disturbing, But Not Hopeless

Misinformation and hate are spreading thick at American colleges. We'd like to think that it's not the type of thing that's happening on our very own campuses, but it's certainly occurring.

Corrupted Middle East Class At Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College's Middle East politics graduate course made headlines at the beginning of this semester. The newly hired adjunct professor, Kristofer Petersen-Overton, was fired and shortly thereafter rehired. Instead of employing responsible measures to ensure a balanced Middle East course, the college's administration chose an extreme and spineless response - one that is overwhelmingly obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and specifies on the syllabus that it will "not include details about Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan or Pakistan."

Corrupted Middle East Class At Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College's Middle East politics graduate course made headlines at the beginning of this semester. The newly hired adjunct professor, Kristofer Petersen-Overton, was fired and shortly thereafter rehired. Instead of employing responsible measures to ensure a balanced Middle East course, the college's administration chose an extreme and spineless response - one that is overwhelmingly obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and specifies on the syllabus that it will "not include details about Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan or Pakistan."

Is Columbia Joking?

With Columbia University having recently established the very first Center for Palestine Studies (CPS), the Jewish community - especially Jewish donors - has failed miserably. We have been sleeping at the wheel for way too long.

Consequences Of Dissipated Rage

You were enraged by the massacre of the Fogel family in Itamar. You asked how a civilized people could behave in such a way. You were shocked that the world, for the most part, didn't care, and you realized that Israel was alone. And then you were enraged by the Jaffa bus stop bombing. You asked how a civilized people could behave in such a way. You were shocked that the world, for the most part, didn't care, and you realized that Israel was alone. And yet again, you were enraged by the rogue rocket bus attack and the barrage of rocket fire on Israel from Gaza. You had the same question, emotion, and thought as you had in the first two cases.

All Is Not Well On The Eastern Front

By now, many are aware of the tough anti-Israel situations on college campuses. Colleges and universities in California and Canada have earned themselves especially notorious reputations. But what is happening along the East Coast? I've been speaking to far too many people who are comfortably numb because they "just don't feel or see it." Reality check: The wind is blowing the wrong way on the eastern front, too.

In A Language Of Lies, Don’t Lose To Wordplay

Americans understand the power of wordplay. When pro-abortion activists were fighting an uphill battle in the '90s, trying to gain public support for their cause, a very shrewd marketing company insightfully changed the language of their debate. The debate was no longer about abortion; now it was about "choice." The contentious question, "Are you pro-abortion?" had a new compelling answer: "No, I'm pro-choice." Language effectively changed the abortion issue, successfully focusing on the mother while disregarding the plight of the child. There is another roiling debate, this time concerning Israel, and you can help reframe it.

In A Language Of Lies, Don’t Lose To Wordplay

Americans understand the power of wordplay. When pro-abortion activists were fighting an uphill battle in the '90s, trying to gain public support for their cause, a very shrewd marketing company insightfully changed the language of their debate. The debate was no longer about abortion; now it was about "choice." The contentious question, "Are you pro-abortion?" had a new compelling answer: "No, I'm pro-choice." Language effectively changed the abortion issue, successfully focusing on the mother while disregarding the plight of the child. There is another roiling debate, this time concerning Israel, and you can help reframe it.

Islamist Wordplay 101

The early months of 1948 did not bode well for the Yishuv. Arab marauders roved the countryside seeking out soft, isolated targets and attacked with ruthless barbarity. The situation was particularly acute in Jerusalem, where supply convoys on the roads leading to the ancient Jewish city were subjected to daily ambush.

The Not-So-Silent War Of Words

There is an information war being held on the battlefield of Wikipedia. Wikipedia.com is an online encyclopedia that is user-base driven and claims 65,000,000 monthly visits. It is also used as a dependable source for research by mainstream media outlets on a huge range of subjects. Unlike other topics, though, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so heated that it has instigated its own online Wikipedia conflict - to the point where Wikipedia designated a special division called the IP (Israeli-Palestinian) Section to monitor edited information from contributing users.

The Tony Award

I never really cared for Tony Kushner. To bestow an honorary award to a notorious Israel critic, especially by academia, is nothing new. Honorary awards and Nobel Peace Prizes seem to be increasingly synonymous with, at best, meaningless efforts, and, at worst, anti-Semitism as a prerequisite for the recipient.

Islamist Wordplay 101

The early months of 1948 did not bode well for the Yishuv. Arab marauders roved the countryside seeking out soft, isolated targets and attacked with ruthless barbarity. The situation was particularly acute in Jerusalem, where supply convoys on the roads leading to the ancient Jewish city were subjected to daily ambush.

The Not-So-Silent War Of Words

There is an information war being held on the battlefield of Wikipedia. Wikipedia.com is an online encyclopedia that is user-base driven and claims 65,000,000 monthly visits. It is also used as a dependable source for research by mainstream media outlets on a huge range of subjects. Unlike other topics, though, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so heated that it has instigated its own online Wikipedia conflict - to the point where Wikipedia designated a special division called the IP (Israeli-Palestinian) Section to monitor edited information from contributing users.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/columns/disturbing-but-not-hopeless/2010/10/13/

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