At precisely 1 p.m. on Sunday, September 30 (Chol HaMoed), something happened. Something new.


      Thousands of Jews faithful to their land and birthplace climbed into the hills simultaneously at five sites throughout Judea and Samaria. Their purpose was to settle the following places: Ma’alot Halhul, near Kiryat Arba; Givat Eitam, by Efrat; Nofei Hashmonaim, by Hashmonaim; Harchivi, by Elon Moreh; and Shvut Ami, by Kedumim.


      There was the astonishing sight of men and women, children and infants thumbing their noses at the stifling laws of the government. They demonstrated an understanding that only by struggles on the ground can we succeed, with G-d’s help, in turning things around.


      Only by taking up the initiative ourselves can we stop the diabolical dance at the Annapolis Convention. We must not fall into the trap that Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and Condoleezza Rice are laying for us. Their aim is to reap personal achievements for themselves and, in exchange, concede the eternal assets of the entire Jewish people – first and foremost Jerusalem.


      Further, we must not fall into the trap of the Council of Judea and Samaria, which sits with Defense Minister Barak and discusses compromises with him. These include the possibility of “moving” settlements and outposts in order to “minimize damage.”


      During this period, only one issue seems to be important to Europe, the United States and the capitulating Israeli government – making a “peace” that will lead to Kassams and Katyushas in the north and south, and, worst of all, to concessions over our sovereignty. It is forbidden for us to move a millimeter from any spot in Eretz Yisrael.


      Quite the contrary! We must settle the land. We must take hold of it. We must expand every settlement spot. We need to stand proud and erect in our Jewish identity and commitment.


      On this Sunday afternoon a process began that, with G-d’s help, can change our situation entirely. It is our duty to continue in this direction so as to save Eretz Yisrael. If the Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world join with us, we will, with G-d’s help, be able to succeed.


      To let you share in the experience of our settlement drive of the five sites, we have attached pictures on the Internet. They can be viewed at and


      Yehudit Katzover is a member of the Eretz Yisrael Faithful.


      Send comments to Zvi Katzover, mayor of Kiryat Arba, at Rivka@[email protected].

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Yehudit Katzover is one of the founders of Women in Green. This essay was written in Hebrew and translated into English by Sally Zahav.