Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The Dutch police won’t protect their country’s Jewish citizens. The British police turn up to anti-Israel demonstrations wearing Palestinian flag pins and are filmed tearing down posters of Jewish children kidnapped by Hamas. The French President and the British and Canadian Prime Ministers have policies to ban arms sales to Israel. Here in the U.S., Democratic politicians are increasingly leaning towards Tlaib, Omar and the Squad on all things Middle East.

Well, I’m happy to report that you don’t have to worry, because Kamala Harris has reiterated that U.S. support for Israel is, “Iron Clad!”


When Vice President Kamala Harris met with Arab and Muslim leaders in Michigan this month, several of her Arab American supporters begged her to distance herself from President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Far too supportive of Israel for their tastes.

Many of those residing in the American majority-Arab city of Dearborn, Michigan, who come from Lebanon, were most strident in their demands. Dearborn has a large Lebanese Muslim population. Christian American Arabs on the other hand are probably delighted Israel is destroying Hezbollah, who after all, killed so many Christian Lebanese.

The WSJ reported that some people who attended the meeting said they left with the impression that Harris was “waiting out” the campaign and would approach the issue differently if elected president.

A recent New York Post headline shouts, “Kamala Harris mingled with Tehran regime operative who promotes terrorism.” Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi has praised the Islamic Republic’s founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Hezbollah, saying he would “die for the cause.” Harris is pictured with this “Holy” man smiling her usual smile.

Let’s also not forget her recent interview where she boasted that she had withheld some weapons Israel badly needs.

So, which way will Kamala go if she wins the election; which is the real Kamala?

The words, “truth” and “politician” are generally perceived as mutually exclusive. Most people think they lie, particularly when they are trying to get themselves elected. The phrase, “honest politician” is often cited as one of the best definitions of an oxymoron.

The Greek philosopher Diogenes, 4th century BCE, once sprang from his bathtub and walked through the streets of Athens during the daytime. Puzzled onlookers saw he was carrying a lantern! He explained that he was looking for an honest man. There are no reports that any Athenian politicians qualified. I doubt that he would shout Eureka today, were he to take one of his strolls in 2024’s Washington D.C. (In any case, it was Archimedes who jumped out of his bathtub to declare ‘Eureka’ not Diogenes. What is it with Greek philosophers and bathtubs?)

You can reach your own judgment whether Kamala Harris is honest. What is less a matter of personal opinion is her intellect. As her recent CBS interview showed, she would be incapable of even producing a well-reasoned argument of why she needs to use the bathroom.

Yet the Democratic Party seems to feel they have found the perfect replacement for Joe Biden. Kamala is just as clueless, factually vacant, and dependent on being handed a script telling her what to say as he is. Imagine a Joe Biden who doesn’t have dementia but is a person “of color,” is female (definition currently unknown) and can “do” lots of different accents! Democratic joy!

I fully expect, if elected, President Harris will take a bigger lurch away from support of Israel than Harris the Vice President already has. Don’t forget her recent boast that she’s already stopped some arms reaching the Jewish state. You don’t have to be a Diogenes to be cynical about that. She would simply be tilting towards the position of so many Western governments.

Perhaps you are wondering why the West is so wobbly about support of… “The West?” You may be baffled why it seems so unconcerned by the threats posed to it from Iran. If so, you have been ignoring the “Camel in the room.” Certainly, the West’s Left-leaning media have been encouraging you to do exactly that.

Consider the Muslim population in the United Kingdom. It is officially 7 million of a population of 67 million. It has increased by a staggering 44% in the last decade alone. London’s Muslim population is 15%. Birmingham’s is 30% of the city’s total population.

Ten years ago in 2014, Khalid Mahmood, a Birmingham Labour MP, estimated that there were at least 1,500 Britons fighting for ISIS in the Middle East.

The BBC rushed to downplay the figure of British Jihadis to around 850 terrorist wannabes who traveled to Iraq and Syria to fight against the West.

The Guardian Newspaper (think Washington Post’s anti-Israel bias on steroids) produced a piece that offered a statistical analysis to refute Khalid Mahmood’s claims. A simple reading of it showed that it validated his claims.

Khalid Mahmood reacted to attacks on his figures by stating that anyone doubting their accuracy simply didn’t know what they were talking about. He was, after all a Muslim MP who lived there.

To probe a little deeper; the Provisional Irish Republican Army launched a terror campaign in 1968 to force the remaining part of the island of Ireland, that preferred to remain part of the United Kingdom, to become part of the Republic of Ireland instead.

The terror campaign, (politely called the “troubles”) lasted until 1998 when a peace treaty was signed between the two sides. In decades of bombings, assassinations and terrorism 3,568 people were killed. They included 1,879 civilians murdered along with 1,117 members of the British security forces. An appalling 47,541 people were “injured” (think severed limbs).

The IRA was allied with almost every Leftist terror organization in the world, including Gaddafi’s Libya, the PLO, ETA, the FARC and many more. Many argue that it fought the British State to a standstill and forced its capitulation.

The estimates of the number of trained IRA fighters that took part in the conflict range from 500 to 1,500.

You can take it from me that the current UK Labour government and the preceding Conservative one, were and are so willing to turn a blind eye to pro-Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran activity and violence on the streets and universities of England because they are scared. If between 500 and 1,500 Islamist sympathizers were willing to travel to Iraq and Syria to fight to enslave, terrorize and rape their opponents, what numbers and what kind of terror campaign could be unleashed on the streets of London, Paris, Amsterdam or Toronto? All four have seen plenty of Islamist victims and body parts already.

So too of course has the USA. Yet today the signs that used to hang from bridges in New York declaring, “We will never forget 9-11” are all but gone. The Boston Marathon Bombings too have faded from memory, receiving little if any media stimulation.

So, if you want to know why candidate Harris is equivocal about standing up for the West as was her doppelganger and fellow “glove puppet” Joe Biden, it’s because the people in the Democratic Party who write their teleprompter scripts, (without which these two cannot string two words together) are scared. It is also because they believe that Iran and their supporters in Dearborn and across the country are part of the solution instead of the blindingly obvious fact; that they are the source of the problem.

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Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein is a popular international lecturer. He was a regular Broadcaster on BBC Radio and TV but resigned in 2022 over what he saw as its institutional anti-Semitism. He is the author of fourteen books including most recently, "Never Alone...The book for teens and young adults who've lost a parent."