We really hope that leading House Democrats like Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff, and Elijah Cummings – who have unleashed a barrage of subpoenas – will kick back and reconsider their focus now that the Mueller Report is in.

Is it really in America’s interests to continue to beat the collusion/obstruction mantra to death? Federal prosecutors have well-earned reputations for ferociously doing the peoples’ business, and weren’t the members of the Mueller team billed as the most ferocious and sharpest of the lot? And weren’t more than a few of them on pre-investigation record as being sharply disdainful of Donald Trump?


So why would congressmen want to take up their time trying to improve upon an investigation conducted by findings of consummate professionals who arguably were also looking to nail Trump?

Perhaps even more importantly, if what they are about is government oversight, does it not interest them that there is evidence in plain sight of serious wrongdoing by senior echelons in the Department of Justice and the FBI?

Forgive us for seeing the current Democratic posture as being part and parcel of the “Resistance” mentality that was evident from the moment the Trump victory became clear. Enough already. Set your sights on 2020 and traditional legislative jousting. Our country and the rest of us regular folk are the victims of your scorched-earth policies, not Donald Trump.

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