We applaud the choice of Sen. JD Vance as former President Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate in the November elections. We are impressed, because not only is he a leading advocate for an America First isolationist foreign policy, he has also strongly advocated for an exception for U.S. support for Israel. We are also taken with the reasons he gives for doing so, which go beyond the usual references to shared values.

As reported by The Times of Israel, speaking to the Quincy Institute, an isolationist foreign policy think tank, Vance explained that both America and Israel benefit from their alliance: “Israel is one of the most dynamic, certainly on a per capita basis, one of the most dynamic and technologically advanced countries in the world and actually contributes to our missile defenses. That is a very important national security objective of the United States of America, and that’s something we’re enthusiastically working on with one of the most innovative economies in the world to accomplish.”


Vance has also said that Israel is key to the economic development of the Middle East and to the creation of a military bulwark against Iran. He emphasized his belief that the best vehicle for bringing all of this about are the Abraham Accords.

He has also spoken ardently in favor of giving Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government the political space to determine on its own how to operate, be it with its judicial overhaul last year, the war against Hamas, or dealing with the issue of a Palestinian state. He again spoke of the Abraham Accords as the indispensable means for moving forward on these issues.

Vance acknowledges that “Palestinian civilian casualties are a real issue,” but says Hamas is responsible for them and that the only solution to addressing the high reported death toll in Gaza is by dismantling Hamas as “a viable military organization….”

As the campaign proceeds, we will learn more about Mr. Vance. But for now, we can fairly say that he will undoubtedly add much to the debate that will now ensue.

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