President Joe Biden frequently proclaims his border and immigration policies to be unmitigated successes. For her part, Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, misses no opportunity to laud those Biden policies as “historic” and unprecedented in terms of accomplishment. Ditto, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, whose effusive echo of these sentiments almost got him impeached by the Republican-controlled House a few months ago.

We will await the presidential campaign – when these and other important issues will hopefully be more pointedly explored – to share our views with particularity. But for now, we have one basic question to pose.


If the policies fairly reek of success, why are the Democrats and their media “amen corner” doing somersaults to discredit the notion that Ms. Harris was the appointed “border czar,” that is, in charge of the Biden Administrations’ efforts to control our borders? Why are they insisting that she was only put in charge of a diplomatic piece to determine the “root causes” of the mass migrations?

Perhaps it is to disentangle her from the mess of uncontrolled illegal immigration many are complaining about?

Ya’ think?

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