The Partial Joy of Purim – What Is Still Missing?
What can we learn from the Purim story that can help us navigate living with this partial redemption? How do we move to a paradigm of complete redemption?
Seeing Red: Thoughts On The Bibas Boys
They have recruited so-called rabbis and as-a-Jews who protest genocide in Gaza, whether in newspaper ads or public gatherings, but have precious little to say about hostages and the treatment of their own people.
Power Check
For America’s Jews – and Israel’s, and Americans generally for that matter – Trump’s return is the best news since Joe Biden entered the White House in 2020. And that’s reason to give thanks to the Almighty. May Trump and his team be good shlichim for all of us.
New MIT-Led Initiative Brings Israeli Academics To U.S. Campuses
Kalaniyot was conceptualized in the aftermath of October 7th when we felt the acute needs for community and concern about the future of U.S.-Israel academic partnerships, explained Or Hen, a professor of physics and co-founder with Fraenkel of MIT-Kalaniyot.
An Accident of History: Jimmy Carter and the Israel-Egypt Peace Accord
It was with no apparent sense of irony that Jimmy Carter’s 1976 campaign autobiography was titled Why Not the Best? That very question would come up with increasing frequency in the years after Carter’s election, only then it was being asked not as a rhetorical device to sell books but by Americans who refused to believe that this ineffectual, uninspiring milquetoast was the best a great nation could do.
‘The Hat Of Salvation You Wore On Your Head’
Mr. Blum’s father had no idea how the American official would react to his brazen request. But he felt strongly that he could not take an oath without his head covered. This small act of courage resulted in great liberation.
Tactical Menorahs: A New First For The IDF Rabbinate
The IDF Rabbinate’s guidelines aim to answer many of the countless questions of Jewish law it has received in recent weeks regarding how to best fulfill the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles during wartime.
Community Mourns Long Island-Born Omer Neutra
While attempting to defend the border and protect the local residents and workers under siege, we expected our leaders to demonstrate the same courage displayed so bravely by Omer and rise to the occasion on behalf of those who were killed and kidnapped, just as our beloved Omer showed until the very end.
Praying For Our Dear Son
How can I not thank Hashem deeply for protecting my beautiful Noam from this deadly attack?
From Amsterdam To Crown Heights, Jews Have Faced Violent Assaults
Almost everyone in Crown Heights can tell you stories of close calls they’ve had, and while a few might have been due to mental illness or drug usage, it’s generally made very clear during the incidents that this is specifically about targeting Jews...
Chicago Jewish Leaders Urge Recognition of Antisemitism In Synagogue Shooting Incident
Certain details around the incident are not being shared or reported with the public, Soroka said. There’s a feeling that if this happened to a different community, it would be covered differently.
Open Letter To Simchat Torah 5785
This year, the Torah will feel different in my arms. Not lighter, not heavier, but full of stories we know too well – the stories of exile and return, of brokenness and healing, of joy and tragedy walking side by side.
Shema In The Bomb Shelter
We could hear the muted sound of sirens and explosions above us. Israel was clearly under attack, but I felt comforted and protected in this spiritual cocoon of unity and prayer.
When Jack Walked Into Shul
When he sat down, he opened the machzor and realized that he could not read even one word of Hebrew.
Hope’s Feathers Since October 7
While there is a growing shelf of books and memoirs in Israel on the horrors of the war and its politics by Nova survivors, released hostages, soldiers, politicians, and journalists, outside of Israel, there are relatively few books – though there will be a burgeoning literature in the years to come.
Ambassador Friedman Launches Movement To Kill Two-State Solution
In his speech, Friedman cited the Palestinian track record as a major reason why they cannot be permitted to have their own state. Palestinians got control of Gaza and quickly elected Hamas.
Sharansky, At Manhattan Event, Urges Jews To Embrace Judaism To Combat Antisemitism
When your only religion is human rights, you’ll be alone; the moment you embrace your Jewish identity, you’ll never be alone.
The Truth About Charedim In The IDF
Hesder yeshivot go a long way toward debunking the secularization concern, but hesder yeshivot have also made various religious compromises. And philosophically, religious Zionist soldiers embrace certain nationalistic elements foreign to the charedi belief system.
A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World (Part II)
Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning.
UC Professors Testify Before House Subcommittee On Anti-Jewish Work Bias
The general antisemitic, hostile environment turned to focus on me directly because I am a Jew, Dafna Golden told the subcommittee.
From Coast To Coast, It’s Open Season On Jews
It’s like the media [are] bending over backwards to be politically correct.
Holy Joe: The Man Who Should’ve Been Vice President
As the highest-ranking Torah-observant elected official since Mordechai HaTzaddik, his story is not just remarkable; it's historic.
Is Aliyah All Or Nothing?
If it is so hard to leave each time we come, why not stay, why not finally move? That question plagues me regularly and nobody asks it more forcefully than I do to myself.
The Courage Of This Brit Milah
The most powerful moment was hearing the baby’s name: Amatzyah. The word amatz has two meanings. In Tanach, it means strength and courage. Adding Hashem’s name (Kah) to the word implies that Hashem will give the baby strength.
Harvard Antisemitism Task Force Leader Resigns In Frustration
Harvard found itself in more hot water this month when the House committee which conducted the hearings subpoenaed the school for allegedly obstructing the government’s investigation of antisemitism on college campuses.
Biden Orders Deportation Reprieve For Palestinians In The U.S.
The exclusion of Palestinians who do not meet the criteria depends, of course, on enforcement by DHS, which does not necessarily inspire confidence.
Retired Jewish General Sues, Claims He Was Ousted For His Faith
As part of a campaign to discredit Magram and push him out of the Air National Guard, Beevers allegedly coached a witness who claimed that Magram used subordinates for personal errands.
Families Of Simchas Torah Pogrom Victims Sue Iran And Binance
Binance is alleged to have held itself out as having certain controls in place, while allowing high value traders to circumvent those controls.
Inseparable, In Life And In Death
I am grateful to have the privilege of watching my talmidim morph from thoughtful and sensitive Torah students into courageous and brave soldiers. Sadly, there is a steep price to pay for this historical privilege.
A Century Of Antisemitism At Harvard
World War II and the Holocaust dampened Harvard’s enthusiasm for Nazism, and after the war, meritocracy was restored and Jewish enrollment began rising again.