I cannot fathom the mentality of a culture that teaches young to hate with such a passion so that instead of wanting to grow up to serve their people in a productive way, they have been brainwashed into killing innocent men, women and children while dying themselves in order to attain a place in ‘paradise’ with wonderful rewards.

I cannot understand the mentality of a culture whose school math books ask, “If there are 5 Jews and you kill 3 Jews, how many Jews are left?”  or whose mothers dress their young ones in costumes depicting these killers as heroes and martyrs.


I am appalled by the vast amount of money in the hands of Palestinian leaders who use it for the training, motivation, arming and rewarding of these who commit such atrocities – when they could be using the same funds to show the world how a people can utilize wealth for schools (that teach tolerance and love as well as academics); can build playgrounds, sports arenas, theaters, museums, and universities; can create industries so that their people would not have to go to work for their so called enemy.

Where is the devotion of these people to their land? Why don’t they work it so that there will be lush green fields and trees for all their people to appreciate and be proud to display to the rest of the world?

I cannot understand a news media that encourage these homicide bombers by sensationalizing their horrific behavior. We hear mainly about the bomber, his poor family who mourn with pride, and about those nasty Israelis who have leveled the beloved homes of these manmade monsters. Invariably there’s a short statement on the count of the dead and wounded. No ongoing follow-up on the survivors and their heroic battle to return to a normal health and life. No history on the survivors or of how their loved ones are impacted by this tragedy. We are interviewed by news persons who never bother to return to find out how our son is doing.

Having been raised during the Holocaust and lived through times of great anti-Semitism, we understand how frustrated a people can get trying to establish their own identity and culture. But we have never witnessed Jews resorting to this outrageous behavior as a people. We have been taught tolerance, compassion, pride, hard work and the desire to serve all people as well as our own. We cannot envision any justification for the brutal, evil, and barbaric behavior nurtured by this culture.

I cannot understand a world that condemns a small country that for years has had to defend itself against the surrounding enemy and is forced to give back land which was won as a result of defeating attackers whose only goal was to drive Israel into the sea.

I see this hospital and its dedicated staff caring for Arab and Jew alike. I see and am informed that Palestinians are being trained as physicians at this hospital. My surgeon husband is invited into the operating room of chief surgeon Professor Avi Rifkind to observe an Arab resident assist the professor and learn new skills. We are told they have asked the Palestinians to tell them what they need – which surgical specialties and training – for their hospitals, but are never given an answer.

Taking our grandsons to the Jerusalem Zoo for a break, I see hordes of Arab families enjoying themselves, unafraid of a potential Israeli bomber lurking and plotting their death or maiming.

I cannot understand why Israelis are unable to go to Rachel’s Tomb in Hebron with the same feeling of security.

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