Who else could have taken us out of Egypt?

Who else could have brought us into the Holy Land?


Who else could have conquered all our enemies?

And who will bring us all into the Holy Land now and enable us to prevail against the entire world?

   This year, during the Three Weeks, let’s keep our eyes on the tzitzis. When we are afraid, when we doubt our strength, when we feel like grasshoppers, let’s remember that our strength comes from Above. That is where we should look, not at the faces of our enemies.

And, very soon, we can expect to see the Great Day when the Children of Israel will live together in harmony one with another and with Our Father in Heaven in the beautiful Garden called Eretz Yisrael.

It’s really happening. We are so privileged to be living in this generation.

May we all soon look at the face of Mashiach ben Dovid.

May we all soon see the Beis HaMikdash standing in majesty upon the Temple Mount.

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Roy Neuberger’s latest book is “Working Toward Moshiach.” His book “2020 Vision” is available in English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Russian, and Georgian. Roy is also the author of “From Central Park To Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul,” available in English, Hebrew, Russian, and Georgian, and “Worldstorm: Finding Meaning and Direction Amidst Today’s World Crisis.” Roy and his wife, Leah, speak publicly on topics related to his books and articles. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.2020vision.co.il.