A Portrait Of Greatness

The Rebbetzin began campaigning to increase public awareness of the importance of saying Amen.

‘More Philo-Semitism Than Anti-Semitism In Polish History’

An Interview With Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Alex Storozynski

‘The Outlook For Israel Is Very Grave’: An Interview with AFSI’s Rael Jean Isaac

Rael Jean Isaac was in the right place at the right time. Forty years ago, she found herself in Israel together with her husband, studying the various activist groups that had sprung up in Israel in the wake of the Six-Day War. Some argued for returning the lands won during the war; others, for keeping them. While researching the different movements for her doctoral thesis, she and her husband met veteran right-wing activist Shmuel Katz. The rest is history.

God, Evolution, And Darwin: An Interview with Molecular Biologist Douglas Axe

I’m not arguing against common ancestry or some form of descent with modification. What I’m saying is that accidental processes cannot possibly have invented these things.

Exclusive Interview: Chief Rabbi Amar: Sharon Was Emphatic On Conversion Issue

JERUSALEM - Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar took the time last week to speak with The Jewish Press at his home in Jerusalem.

‘We’ve Succeeded In Returning The Focus To Where It Should Be’: An Interview with...

The New York State comptroller manages the state’s $180.7 billion pension fund, audits the spending practices of all state agencies and local governments, oversees the New York State and Local Retirement System, reviews the New York State and City budgets, and approves billions in State contracts and spending.

From The Snare Of Death To A Full Life: Re-Reading The Memoirs Of Livia...

Memo to the New York Public Library: I'm sorry that I still haven't returned several books by Livia Bitton-Jackson. They are a series of vibrant, touching memoirs of a young girl navigating her way through the world, both literally and on an emotional plane; the stories of a Holocaust survivor with wanderlust in a world that doesn't want to hear it are not easy to part with.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton On Israel, Iraq And Terror

On the eve of her expected reelection victory, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton met with the editorial board of The Jewish Press.

The Late Rabbi Raphael Baruch Toledano

In last week's column about the collection Mekabtziel published by Yeshivat Ahavat Shalom of Jerusalem, we noted that the volume contained a number of articles and studies on various subjects.

Does The Government Have The Right To Micromanage Our Lives? An Interview with Prominent...

There seems to be unlimited power that the judicial branch has completely failed to protect us from.

Courage And Guts

It takes courage and guts for a well-known person in the Orthodox world to write a memoir, a personal account sharing chapters of her life, which include how she became frum. On May 11 in New York, Leah Kotkes, a beloved writer among her readers, will release her first book, a candid, friendly, page-turner: The Map Seeker: One Woman's Quest.

Hope at One Hundred

Aunt Hench is a natural charmer. A people person, spunky and quick as only someone small as a light bulb can be, and wherever she is, she is a bright star.

There’s Hardly Any Anti-Semitism In Russia – Thanks To Putin? – An Interview with...

It’s very much in style and cool to be Jewish in Russia today. In the past, people were afraid to let others know they were Jewish; today, they are very proud – and many non-Jews want to be part of it too.

‘When We Lose Hope, We Perish’: An Interview with OU Executive VP Allen Fagin

Formerly an attorney at the prestigious law firm Proskauer Rose for 40 years – six of those years as its chairman – Fagin holds degrees from both Columbia and Harvard Universities. He retired in 2013 to devote more time to the Jewish community.

A Lone Family Protecting The Land

The Kashuela Farm was founded on May 24, 2012. It is named after Yaakov Zarchi, a Palmach fighter whose nickname was Kashuela.

A Hero When Jews Desperately Needed One: An Interview with Hank Greenberg Biographer John...

To his parents’ friends, he was “Mrs. Greenberg’s disgrace,” but to sports fans he is one of the greatest – if not the greatest – Jewish baseball players of all time. Long before Sandy Koufax, Hank Greenberg excited Jewish sports fans with his prowess on the baseball diamond.

On the Bookshelf

I have closde to 10,000 books, covering all kinds of things in Jewish studies.

Language of The Heart: A Conversation With Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg

Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva University’s SBMP (Irving I Stone Beit Midrash Program) was born and raised in Philadelphia. Rabbi Weinberg currently lives in Bergenfield NJ with his wife and three daughters.

A Very Special Siyum

I had the honor to stand beside him as he reached this mountain peak in his life.

The Artist Who Moves With The Times

Harel specializes in oil paints, etching, wood-cut, silk-print and lithography. He also specializes in details that surprise.

A World With Few Words

We connect to others by communicating with them. When the ability to communicate is lost, we lose that connection.

Beyond Church And State: School Vouchers And The Blaine Amendment

Like clockwork, the question of school vouchers makes a prominent appearance whenever the media focus on a statewide election in New York, particularly one in a heavily Orthodox district. The latest chime was sounded during the battle between Lew Fidler and David Storobin to fill an open state senate seat; both promised constituents that they would make the fight for vouchers and tax education credits their priority.

Learning To Play A Sacred New Song

The conductor gazed down at the orchestra, waved his baton and the stirring sounds of Grieg's "Triumphal March" began to fill the air.

For Stan Fischler, ‘The Hockey Maven,’ It’s All About The Game – And Israel,...

Providing New York-area hockey fans with a bird’s-eye view and expert analysis is what Fischler, 81, has done on broadcasts of Islanders, Rangers and Devils games. He's had a love affair with the sport since he was introduced to it quite by accident as a 7-year-old growing up in Brooklyn.

Rabbi Adlerstein On This And That In The Jewish World

Yom Kippur is my favorite day of the year. I call it the ultimate free lunch, because when you ‘show up’ – attitudinally – you are guaranteed some degree of atonement and reconnection with G-d.

Wheels of Progress Keep Rolling Along for Special Needs Kids and Their Parents

I had to hire a babysitter so that I could go shopping or have someone come with me to push Caroline in her wheelchair.

The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth

The Sefer Chassidim says that a person is supposed to conduct himself with a non-Jew the same way he conducts himself with a Jew.

Islamic Reformer: Attackers Of Jews In NYC Should Be Ashamed

You would not find a single person in government telling Muslims not to wear their clothing or a hijab and if you did, they would be called an Islamophobe…. Instead of standing against evil, you have suppression of Jewish identity.’


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