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The communication revolution – and the unprecedented access to information it brought – has ushered us into a new world. It is a world of wikipedia and youtube, but also a world of live-streaming al Qaeda beheadings and slow-motion car crashes. Like times past, but in a far different way, this is a world of vast opportunities and great dangers. Nathaneal Harkham, founder and director of an expansive online enterprise that seeks to harness the internet to promote positivity, sat down with the The Jewish Press to discuss his vision for the initiative and his perspectives on the potential benefits of new media.

Jewish Press (JP): So what exactly is Positivecco?


Nathaneal Harkham (NH): The idea is quite ambitious, but in a nutshell, it’s an online resource that allows anyone from anywhere in the world to access Positive options for any category or interest they desire. News, products, information, events, initiatives, social connections… Everything.

JP: That is ambitious. It sounds like some sort of fusion of Amazon, Google, & Facebook.

NH: In a basic functional way, yes, you could understand it that way… But most importantly – it’s all those sites- but a Positive version.

JP: And has there been any traction? How far along are you with Postivecco?

NH: The growth & reaction has been amazing… Users and business’ have embraced our concept of Positivity…We have over 100 business’ profiled representing different sectors and have users & content submissions from all over the globe.

We have a long way to go, but that’s the thing with Positivity- it’s not a standard to be reached, it’s a perpetual dedication to improvement… So Positivecco will always make the effort to be more, to give more.

JP: What’s your definition of ‘Positive’?

NH: ‘Positive’ is emphasizing what is commendable, and hopeful..It’s constructive and is measured in a direction understood to be beneficial.

JP: Where did the idea of Positivecco come from?

NH: I take no credit for Positivecco. I would say the idea of focusing on the Positive came with the Creation of the Universe and the presence of Light, B”H. And the concept of Positivecco came from applying the philosophy of Tikkun Olam to a web-based format to maximize the resources & reach available in our digital world.

JP: What are your hopes for Positivecco?

NH: I hope Positivecco will grow in scale & resources to the point where anybody in the world regardless of age, gender, location, interest, or any other demographic indicator can find the information they need to make a little more Positive effort in their lives…Imagine how different the world would be if everyone made just a little more effort in their lives in any way they chose!

JP: So you think there’s a need for Positivecco in the world today?

NH: it’s a funny thing, if you watch TV, read the news & listen to the ‘experts’ you’d think that the world is a really dark, dangerous, violent place… But that’s just one side of of our street. The other side is the opposite- Light, loving, full of creativity & progress…This Life, this world is a gift, B’H. Without Positive effort, negativity gains strength. Our world and our lives are worth the effort.

Positivecco is not only about focusing on the bright side but improving the other side as well…Making the effort to make this world as Positive a place as we can… Yeah, I’d say there is a need for Positivecco now more than ever.

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