Photo Credit: Standing Together

Here at Standing Together we have one goal and one goal only; Support IDF soldiers wherever they are and with whatever they need.

IDF soldiers are giving their lives to protect the Land of Israel and we strongly believe that if they are putting themselves on the line, we certainly can help them out with warm winter gear and support.


Over the past two weeks the Standing Together trailer has reached thousands of IDF soldiers, some of which are stationed no where near a base, and offered them everything from a hot cup of fresh coffee to operational winter gear packs that were sponsored by people like yourself. stogether3

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I will stop typing and let the pictures do all the talking. I have been on the receiving end of the equation as Standing Together has supplied my Paratroopers unit with gear, but as I listened to the combat medic below, I can say without a doubt that giving to others is so much more satisfying.

Here are some of the pictures from the past couple of weeks as we delivered thousands of winter gear packs to soldiers from every IDF unit possible.

Volunteers delivering waterproof jackets right before the storm
Trying On The Standing Together Winter Gear
The Storm Covered Everything In White. The Tanks Did Not Need Jackets
Getting Good Use Out Of The Standing Together Winter Gear packs
Standingtogether pic
IDF Paratroopers Taking A Selfie With The Standing Together Winter Gear That Was Donated by People Around The World
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Showing Off The Standing Together Winter Swag, IDF Style
2015-01-05 11.44.50
Saying Thank You To IDF Soldiers, Best Feeling In The World
2015-01-05 11.44.14
Trying On The New Standing Together Winter Gear
2015-01-05 11.43.43
Sending Them Off With Their Standing Together Winter Gear

We have given out gear to thousands of IDF soldiers but have been getting calls from many units who have specifically asked for winter gear as they are on duty in the freezing north of Israel.

We have over 2,000 soldiers that we still need to get to and we need your support.

A winter gear pack cost only $100 and a unit is usually 120-140 soldiers.

You can sponsor a single soldier or a complete unit but every donation helps us keep these guys warm.


Support The IDF Wherever They Are With Whatever They Need!


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For more information on Ari Fuld HY'D - visit the The Ari Fuld Project.... Ari Fuld is a sergeant in an IDF reserves elite paratroopers unit. He is an Israel advocate, TV and Radio show host and an international speaker on all things Israel. Ari is always happy and willing to debate and destroy any anti-Israel activist in the public forum. Test him.The Ari Fuld Israel Defense Page