Photo Credit:
Michael Widlanski

In the same section at the end of the book, where you discuss and reject the possibility of fighting dirty, you also propose severely restricting, if not eliminating, immigration from radical Islamic countries. This seems like a sensible proposal that deserves consideration. And one hardly ever hears it raised or discussed by politicians or the media.

It should. We know that the main culprits of Arab Islamic terror come from countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and Iran. We have to be very vigilant about these people. It shouldn’t be, “Okay, you’re automatically in unless I find something.” It should be, “You’re probably not in unless I find justification to let you in.”


But it gets back to what I said at the beginning. It’s the doctrine of political correctness [which prevents proposals like this from being discussed].

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Elliot Resnick is the former chief editor of The Jewish Press and the author and editor of several books including, most recently, “Movers & Shakers, Vol. 3.”