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IDF soldiers praying at the Kotel.

Here in Eretz Yisrael, if we expect to remain an independent nation we – all of us – must make a mind change and carry our destiny on our shoulders. Haredim must take part in all areas of life and the non-observant must draw closer to Torah and mitzvot, if indeed we strive to draw our thoughts and our ways closer to the Creator’s.

There is no third way. For a nation that hachafetz chaim – desires to live – we have no choice.

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Rabbi Nachman Kahana the spiritual leader of Hazon Yichezkeil a member synagogue of Young Israel (Yisrael Hatzair) in the Old City of Jerusalem. He has founded the Institute for Talmudic Commentaries (המכון להסברת מפרשי התלמוד) through which he has published “Mei Menuchot” (מי מנוחות - Restful Waters) a Hebrew elucidation of the Tosafot commentary on several tractates of the Talmud. He is the authror "With All Your Might" of a new series of Shabbat drashot .