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Israel And Mideast Stability

I hope the non-Palestinian Arab world may be ready to make common cause with Israel in order to deal with Iran and ISIS (“New Mideast Reality?” editorial, Oct. 10).


Most of the Arab world has no real interest in the Palestinian claims to parts of Eretz Yisrael. While I don’t think Arabs are particularly interested in seeing the Palestinians harmed, I believe they have a deeper interest in allying with Israel against common enemies. I have long thought that but for Israel’s military might and interest in a stable Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Lebanon would long ago have become casualties to regional instability.

Ironically, leaders of countries that have routinely denounced Israel are in power only because of its presence in the Middle East.

Avi Garson


Dems Fleeing Obama

“A Runaway Presidential Ego” (editorial, October 10) really said it like it is. Obama is so taken with himself and confident of his powers of expression that, as you point out, he does not even realize it when he clearly contradicts himself in the same speech.

Similarly, it is clear to me he is unable to believe the public might actually turn against the Democrats in November. However, if the polls are to be believed, he is single-handedly turning the Senate over to the Republicans. Democrats running for reelection or election are distancing themselves from him like the plague.

Elizabeth Horowitz
(Via E-Mail)


Gazans Speaking Out (I)

I was really intrigued by Mudar Zahran’sGazans Speak Out Against Hamas” (news story, Oct. 10), which I read both on your website and in the print edition.

The fact that there are courageous Arab journalists like Mudar Zahran and Khaled Abu Toameh who aren’t afraid to report the truth really puts Western journalists to shame.

When I read dispatches like “Gazans Speak Out Against Hamas” it makes me want to yell at the smugly ignorant reporters and pundits who work for outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, etc., “What is wrong with you people? Are you that wedded to a pro-Palestinian narrative that you instinctively cast Israel in the worst possible light while blissfully swallowing all the propaganda the Palestinians can cram down your throats?”

Joan Greenberg
(Via E-Mail)


Gazans Speaking Out (II)

It seems like Hamas has turned Gaza into a big concentration camp. I hope they get toppled soon; we don’t need any more like them out there. I had few doubts that Hamas was pulling something like this, but I’m a journalist and do not like to make statements without something to back it up. Now perhaps the International Court will have something to charge Hamas with.

Lynn Magnuson


Arab Accomplishments

Re “Brought to You by the Arab World…” op-ed, Oct. 10):

Thank you, Dennis Prager, for this great article! Unfortunately I fear the world may wake up and realize what is happening too late to stop it. So I just keep repeating to myself, “We beat the Nazis…we beat the Nazis.”

Monica Pollans
Land o’Lakes, FL


Two-State Solution Obsolete

With Hamas a most integral part of the Palestinian strategy, no one can go back to a simple solution of two states. The world must understand that giving Palestinians autonomy does not have to mean setting up a sovereign country that has as its core goal and reason for being the destruction of Israel.

We can never countenance a Palestinian state determined to do away with Israel. The best solution is to think of ways that will increase economic ties between Israel and a politically autonomous Palestinian polity. But no one can go backward in history. The moving finger writes and we now know that the idea of a two-state solution is obsolete –a thing of the past.

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