If We Had These Leaders In Egypt…
There has been an explosion (not a “spike” as is usually reported) of anti-Semitism in recent years.
Jews in Europe are once again suffering severe persecution; Israel is besieged on all sides by those who wish to destroy it; and in the other great haven for Jews, the United States, open anti-Semitism has become mainstream in the media, academia, and, now, even the very halls of Congress.
Yet, in the face of all this animosity, major Jewish organizations react by attacking Trump and Netanyahu. To them, short-term politics is more important than long-term survival.
I wonder how these organizations would have reacted at the time of the Exodus. They would have undoubtedly vilified Moshe for his heavy-handed approach to Pharaoh. They would have accused him of being an impediment to the “peace process” and would have urged him to reason with Pharaoh and appeal to his better nature – to build bridges of accommodation.
I wonder how the Jewish nation would have turned out under that kind of leadership.
Max Wisotsky
Highland Park, NJ
Not All Immigrants Are the Same
Like so many in the Democratic Party, Sergey Kadinsky conveniently omitted the word “illegal” in discussing immigrants in his letter to the editor two weeks ago.
He tells us we should embrace hard-working immigrants, who possess an “entrepreneurial spirit.” However, if our borders remain as open as they currently are, we will soon be overrun by illegal aliens whom we cannot possibly support.
Sergey: Legal immigrants are not the problem. Illegal ones are.
Arlene Ross
Forest Hills, NY
Minorities Aren’t Always Right
I want to state as clearly as I can that I consider myself to be on the side of minorities since I happen to be one myself and have had more than a taste of the prejudice and discrimination minorities face.
That said, there is no reason to defend all members of all minority groups all the time. Take Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, for example, who happens to be Muslim. For her to flippantly dismiss what happened on 9/11 by saying that “some people did something” was morally wrong, insensitive, and disrespectful. Period.
Her criticisms of Israel were also wrong – not because of what she said, but how she said it. She clearly came across as disliking Jews. Why couldn’t the Democrats admit that?
I fear Donald Trump will win in 2020 due to Democrat excesses and over-reach. There is no reason to excuse behavior by someone just because he or she happens to belong to a minority group.
Stewart B. Epstein
Rochester, NY
Earth Day Every Day
April 22 is Earth Day, but we really should celebrate it all year long. Besides recycling newspapers, magazines, glass, plastics, old medicines, paints, and cleaning materials, consider taking the following environment-friendly steps:
Leave your car at home. For local excursions, walk or ride a bike. For longer trips, consider the many public transportation alternatives available. They use less fuel and move far more people than cars.
Many employers offer transit checks to help subsidize a portion of the cost. So take advantage. You’ll be supporting a cleaner environment and be less stressed when you arrive at your destination.
Other options to consider are working from home and joining a car or van pool.
Some more suggestions: Use a hand-powered lawn mower instead of a gasoline or electric one. Rake your leaves instead of using gasoline powered leaf blowers. Remember: A cleaner environment starts with you.
Larry Penner
Great Neck, NY
Chazzan Sherwood Goffin, a”h
We met the summer I turned 16 when I attended a Torah Leadership Seminar on the Camp Morasha Campus. We shared a love of music and performing but, more importantly, we shared a mutual respect and connection that lasted until – to my utter shock – I learned that you had passed away.
Performing when Hashem blesses us with the gift of song, family, loss and rebirth – we touched all these issues in our 50-plus years of friendship.
You made your mark in the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. You were a legend as “The Chaz” in your role as cantor at the Lincoln Square Synagogue. But to all of us who had the privilege of knowing you, R’ Shimon, what stood out was your eidelkeit, your ability to encourage each one of us to grow, to reach out to Hashem in gratitude even if times were difficult.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, zy”a, encouraged people to have a mashpia (a spiritual advisor). Without a doubt, you were “The Mashpia Extraordinaire” to all of us who were blessed to connect with you.
I can just imagine the lovely melodies you are singing in Shamayim now as you entreat HaKodesh Boruch Hu to send the geula now! R’ Shimon, I will never forget you!
Penny Metal