Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Lackluster Leaders

After reading two articles in last week’s Jewish Press, one by Robert Isler (“Six Minutes of Kamala Harris”) and the other by Rabbi Warren Goldstein (“Iran’s Existential Threat to Israel”), I began to wonder if there was such a thing as an “honest politician.” Like actors and actresses, political figures put on a good show to win support from their audience. And they are both so adaptive to what they try to sell. How quickly Joe Biden overnight discovered he should not run for re-election. How quickly Kamala, a mediocre political figure, shed her “word salads” to become a capable and competent political candidate for President of the United States. And till this day, Donald Trump has not accepted his role on the attack of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Aided by a feckless media that cares about getting out information without much attention to veracity or the harm inaccuracy can do, politicians are free to be a cult of their own.


Rabbi Goldstein’s reflection on Menachem Begin reminded me of what an honest political figure he was. Regardless of whether or not one agreed with him, he was not a “bubbameister,” but a leader who was more concerned with the survival of Israel than the approval of the world community.

How can the world of protestors preach the narrative that a group of aliens suddenly occupied a fabricated nation of Palestine? How can the international political leaders call for a ceasefire that Hamas broke on October 7? How can world politicians call for a two-state solution when Iran is dedicated to destroying Israel? Why is America more offended by Islamophobia than the open hostility to Jews all over the country? So called “Islamophobia” is a thought, but antisemitism is an action. Twelve Israeli children were slain, only to be met by politicians urging Israel to show restraint. Unfortunately, much of the world is rooting for Goliath to beat David.

Joel M. Glazer
Elizabeth, N.J.


Kamala’s Revisionist Campaign

There is even more to “The Veep And The Borders: Close But No Czar” (Editorial, August 2). Democratic Party Presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris, as part of the Biden Administration, and having previously served as a United States Senator from California (2017-21), California District Attorney (2011-17), and San Francisco District Attorney (2004-11), has a track record that she would prefer voters forget about.

Consider that Harris was appointed border czar by President Biden. Under her watch, she only visited the border once while over eight million migrants crossed into our nation. Harris is also on record calling for eliminating use of fossil fuels, ending all private health insurance, providing free health care to illegal immigrants, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), supporting late-term abortions, allowing criminals to vote from jail, expanding the Supreme Court, allowing transgender men to compete against biological women in sports and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, increasing the national debt by $7.9 trillion dollars. Harris also encouraged people to support a bail fund for those who participated and were arrested in the Minneapolis, Minnesota riots.

While Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump showed up at the recent National Association of Black Journalists Conference in Chicago, Harris was a no-show. Watch how the liberal media, fellow liberal Democrats, and the Harris campaign attempt to rewrite her past history on these issues that voters are interested in. Revisionist political historians may be the greatest threat to our democratic republic with free and honest elections.

Larry Penner
Great Neck, N.Y.


Supremely Dangerous

President Biden’s attack on the Supreme Court (“President Biden And The Supreme Court,” August 2) was as inevitable and predictable as it was political. When Barack Obama became President in 2009, his stated goal was to “fundamentally transform” America from a free-enterprise democracy into an autocratic socialist state.

For 11 of the next 15 years, with the support of an overly zealous left-leaning media, the administrations of Democratic Presidents Obama and Biden have succeeded in politicizing and weaponizing the legislative and executive branches of government to help achieve those aims. Domestically, they employed selective use of the FBI, IRS, and NIH, and innumerable executive orders regulating Covid restrictions, open-border policies, electric vehicle mandates, climate change policies, etc. to counter political opposition. In the foreign arena they lavishly supported sworn enemies like Iran (“Death to Israel, Death to America”), while only grudgingly giving aid to allies like Israel and Ukraine. These were aimed at circumventing congressional actions and promoting left-wing agendas.

The Democrats are now targeting the last branch of government, the judiciary, and specifically the U.S. Supreme Court, to try to bring it on board and complete the “transformation.” They have already made major inroads into the judicial systems at the local and state levels, and in lower federal courts, through specific actions or deliberate inactions. They are very soft on crime, give numerous benefits to illegal aliens, try to defund the police, support sanctuary cities, and ceaselessly embroil political opponents in endless litigation. The major obstacle remaining is the Supreme Court. Gaining control of the heretofore untouchable Supreme Court would be the crowning achievement in the transformation into an autocratic system.

This would finally destroy the glorious American experiment envisioned by our founding fathers.

Max Wisotsky
Highland Park, N.J.

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