Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Who Is Looking For The Israeli Hostages?

It seems like every other day now, the IDF is finding dead hostages in the Hamas tunnels. Ever since October 7, the number and fate of the kidnapped Israelis has been uncertain. The reason for the uncertainty is that nobody except for Israel seems interested in finding out. Not the Red Cross, not the UN, not the WHO, and none of the other bleeding heart humanitarian organizations who are so concerned about Gaza casualties, and not even the United States, although five of the hostages are American.


Not only is the actual fate of the hostages of grave concern, but also their physical and mental health after being locked up in dark, dank dungeons in the hands of openly hostile savages. Any men, women, and babies who are still alive have been in these hellish conditions and have not seen the light of day for over 230 days.

There is one definite certainty about the hostages, and that is that there are fewer alive now than there were before. My greatest fear is that Hamas is not anxious to release them because there may be so few left alive.

I am puzzled about the lack of clamor from Jewish organizations, and also from the United States, to pressure the responsible authorities to inquire about and determine the fate of the remaining hostages. To the rest of the world, Jewish lives don’t matter, but they should to us.

Max Wisotsky
Highland Park, N.J.


Biden & Schumer – Our Two False Friends

I take exception to the headline of the article “Trust Biden On Israel Anymore? Don’t,” in your May, 17 issue. My disagreement with the headline is that it implies some level of confidence in Biden vis-à-vis Israel (as well as vis-à-vis his world outlook in general). I have never been under any such illusion.

Let’s look critically at Biden. This is the same “Jihad Joe” Biden who, as a senator, threatened Menachem Begin with cutting off of arms supplies to Israel. This is the same Joe Biden who was opposed to the elimination of Osama bin Laden and was the only Cabinet member so inclined. This is the same Joe Biden who pulled out of Afghanistan at the cost of lives of United States Armed Service members and billions of dollars of military equipment left behind. This is the same Joe Biden who provided (and continues to provide) sanctions relief for Iran, as well as billions of dollars in ransom payments. This is the same Joe Biden who has woefully inadequately responded to attacks on vessels in the Red Sea by Houthi Yemenite rebels, funded and supplied by Iran. This is the same Joe Biden who was silent in the face of chants of “Death to America” by Islamist radicals in Michigan.

Although the article did not mention him explicitly, a critical eye must also be cast upon Charles Schumer – Schumer the Schemer/Scammer – who never met a camera that he didn’t like. The Talmud relates how the pig holds its split hooves aloft, proclaiming loudly, “Look! I’m kosher! I’m kosher!” Schumer likewise deceptively proclaims loudly “I am Schumer, the Shomer (guardian) of Israel,” but lacks the requisite characteristics for that title. Schumer, at the time that Obama was ramming the JCPOA with Iran down the throat of America, was against that agreement at first, then for it, then finally against it – but not on the grounds that it would do incalculable damage not only to America and Israel but to the world in general. Rather, he was permitted by Obama to publicly oppose it since his opposition would not affect the adoption of the agreement. Thus, Schumer was able to speciously claim to have “stood up for Israel,” even though his “stance” had no material effect on the outcome since he did nothing to try to influence enough other senators to prevent the agreement.

This is the same Schumer who threatened violence against two Supreme Court justices because of opposition to their positions on abortion. The same Schumer who attempted to interfere in the internal affairs of not merely an independent sovereign nation, but an ally of the United States – Israel – by calling for the resignation of its prime minister at the time that that nation is in the midst of a struggle for its very existence. Schumer does not raise a peep against the Communist Bernie Sanders/Islamist coterie that has hijacked the Democratic Party and the legislative and executive branches of the American government. And he expressed support for withholding arms supplies to Israel while it is involved in a struggle for its existence, rather than demanding that actions be taken against Iran if it continues to arm its proxies.

Schumer is not only no “guardian” of Israel, but his name can be thought of as being an acronym for “SCHakran U’Motsi shEm Ra” (liar and defamer, besmirching Israel for fighting a war that was forced upon it). Schumer is indeed “the pig who would be kosher.”

Truly the most consequential election in our lifetime is now less than six months away. The choice is simple and stark. We must choose between “Death to America” (“the Great Satan”) and “Death to Israel” (“the Little Satan”) versus “Make America Great Again” and Make Israel Safe Again. I choose to make America great again and make Israel safe again.

New York City

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