How The Other Half Lives In Israel
Even when they acknowledge the crisis, it is often through a lens of self-congratulation, crediting their learning alone for the nation’s protection. This mindset ignores the heroic Torah learning within the Religious Zionist camp – learning that exists alongside military service and national responsibility.
Evil Exists, Whether We Admit It Or Not
Some human beings will always use that freedom for nefarious ends. No miracle, no revelation, not even the most undeniable display of divine power, will erase evil from this world. It remains our mission to fight it, both for our own survival and for the moral future of humanity.
A Jabotinsky Zionist Reply To Ehud Olmert
Perhaps more than any other leader in the State of Israel’s history Olmert believes that his personal opinion of what Israel’s borders should be set as is always correct.
Jewish Hollywood’s Jewish Problem
For an industry still powered by Jews and obsessed with the making of superhero movies, the Oscar for Jewish Cowardice continues to have far too many nominees.
The Arab ‘Exodus’ that Wasn’t
Where have they gone? To another continent or country, another city? Try blocks away.
Israel Releases Same Terrorist Murderer for THIRD Time
Will he murder again? or should we ask, "WHEN?"
Trump’s Mid East Revolution Has Just Begun
If Trump successfully manages to overcome the pressures and obstacles placed in front of him, what he is setting in motion today can magnificently transform the Middle East.
What Country Would Accept Relocated Gazans?
Israelis can no longer be expected to live in proximity to those who desire nothing more than their death
The Day The Sky Turned Orange
This orange sky was no metaphor created by an aching heart, nor was it just flowery words on a page, this was real and true and terrifying, in the most wonderful way possible.
Fighting Back Against Jew Hatred Among Psychologists
The American Psychological Association (APA) has allowed--and failed--to acknowledge or to remedy the most grievous antisemitism that has run rampant within its organization.
What Is the Nature of Evil?
What of the journalists who write not about Kfir, not about Ariel, not about their mother, not about the hostages who sit in terror, but only about how the next dead, injured, or kidnapped Israeli effectively endangers the ceasefire. What of the people who tore down posters of two little red headed children, of babies, and then felt righteous?
Telling My Son About The Bibas Boys
In this world, we are limited by human understanding. There is so much that we can't understand. That makes no sense.
Why a NYT Article on a Hamas Leader Is Absurd
Did Hamas think that after massacring 1,200 people, taking more than 250 hostages, burning people alive, videotaping it and posting it online, Israel would send over a fruit basket?
Trump Must Abandon the Disastrous Ceasefire Deal with Hamas
If Trump and Netanyahu are really serious about achieving lasting peace in Gaza, they must abandon the disastrous ceasefire deal -- and especially the well-intended but painfully out-of-his-depth U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff, who has mindlessly promoted it.
The Day After …
And we thought Oct. 7 was the worst. Hamas keeps showing the world how depraved its adherents can be.
Who Is Calling Who a Nazi?
Democrats and their cohorts are tripping over themselves while pouncing on Trump. But in the process, they are tripping themselves up.
The Bibas Family Tragedy: Where Do We Go From Here?
One of the most difficult and perplexing questions we may ask ourselves at this moment of sadness and mourning is where do we go from here?
Is Israel Betraying its Citizens with Health Care for Terrorists?
Treating an enemy terrorist alongside a civilian must be seen as deeply problematic, especially when limited resources are available.
Babies in Bandanas
The children of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority are raised on a steady diet of hatred. Their heroes are bombers, not Batman.
All Politics is Local, even for Americans in Israel
As one of the largest ex-pat communities, we can reach out to U.S. elected officials and help them understand our needs and interests.
Strong Advice; But Who Will Listen?
The Gazans and their terrorist leaders certainly act as if they are at least first cousins of Amalek--if not Amalek himself
Pouring Salt On The Wound, The U.S. Legal System Stymies Terror Victims
In essence, the cases are not about the actual terror attacks, apparently all are in agreement that the PLO and PA bear responsibility, but about the legality of bringing terror’s sponsors and supporters before U.S. courts. And there lies the rub.
Jewish Professor’s Anti-Israel Propaganda – A Substantive Response
Facts are important, but numbers are not the full story. If five villages were attacked or 20 were attacked it would still be an issue. The big picture is that these charges against the Jewish residents of J&S have no basis in reality, Freedman was not quoting an eye witness, and these false accusations can and have resulted in real harm to individual Jews and to the State.
Let their People Go!
One man surveyed in Gaza said: “In the end, people will accept reality. They want to live in a country that protects and supports them.”
No matter what our individual views may be, whether or not we are religious, Jews are indigenous to the Holy Land.
Mishpatim: A Social Blueprint
A society is only as stable and moral as its commitment to protecting its most vulnerable members. Therefore, the laws in Mishpatim repeatedly return to the treatment of slaves.
The Shattering of Foreign-Policy Delusions
While some consider the proposed measures for Gaza as a non-starter, there are few other ideas on the table—certainly not for Mahmoud Abbas, whose Palestinian Authority lacks credibility.
The Time has Come: Us or Them?
For 76 years, Israel has lived in a state of perpetual emergency, surviving against all odds every single day. And we must ask, once and for all: Why? Why do we accept this reality?
Mel Gibson Can Change His Antisemitic Image
As Trump’s new Hollywood ambassador, Gibson has chance to revise ‘Passion’ film’s anti-Jewish narratives, following Oberammergau’s example.
Netanyahu’s Tightrope, Trump’s Net
Though Bibi opted not to take advantage of the U.S. president's ultimatum to Hamas, the rallying cry against him from the usual suspects continues.