While much national attention is on the first 100 days of the Trump 2.0 presidency, there is growing reason to be concerned about the final days of Joe Biden’s term.
Among those with a powerful interest in disrupting the peaceful transfer of power to a new Trump administration are: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), world government globalists, Sharia-supremacists, deep state bureaucrats and assorted homegrown and foreign-enabled terrorists, jihadists, and other revolutionaries.
These hostile forces’ ability to create chaos in the United States – especially collectively – cannot safely be ignored.
The Chinese Communist Party, since May 2019, has been telling the people of China that their country is at war with the US. And the CCP has for years been preparing for a shooting conflict in the Western Pacific, as well as, over the past two years, inserting tens of thousands of its military personnel into the United States. Their mission could well be to carry out attacks on the US electric grids, transportation, communications, water resources and as much other critical infrastructure as possible. They have not been sent to vacation at the Grand Canyon.
Whether Chinese Emperor Xi Jinping will pull the trigger in the immediate future will probably be a function of his pressing economic, political and demographic challenges at home and the prospect of the replacement of his controlled asset, Joe Biden, by his nemesis, Donald Trump.
Yet, even now, Wall Street persists in underwriting and, thereby, enabling such threats to the U.S. and its allies. America’s largest money managers are sluicing the pension and other funds of American investors – largely without their knowledge – to CCP-controlled companies. Many of those corporations are helping the regime build weapons to kill us and the means to intensify their repression of the Chinese people.
Trump seems likely to restrict, if not end altogether, this insane practice of underwriting our mortal enemy. And the Chinese Communist Party, their “old friends” in the U.S. financial markets and other “captured elites” have abundant reason to want to stop him.
Globalists see Trump as a threat to their ambitions to create world government. And they recently secured enhanced capabilities to advance that agenda in the form of two international accords that give international bureaucrats at the World Health Organization and the United Nations the authority to declare emergencies and dictate what nations must do in response. Pandemics, migration, climate change, conflicts, “gun violence” and “black swan events” can all be cited at their whim as pretexts for dictating what actions must be taken in response.
Neither treaty has been submitted to the U.S. Senate for its advice and consent, let alone been approved by two-thirds of its members. And Trump has made clear he opposes such affronts to our sovereignty.
So these agents of global governance dread the prospect of Trump’s return to office. They could see in the declaration of another public health emergency or “complex global shock” and dictated responses that disrupt American society economically and politically a means of staving off a Trump presidency 2.0.
Meantime, Sharia-supremacists are similarly determined to bring about a new world order, unimpeded by America and its allies like Israel and the Europeans. They are on the march in Syria, Egypt, Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East. While their immediate objective is the destruction of Israel, the ushering in of a global caliphate is, they believe, their Allah-directed destiny.
They have made great strides in that direction, thanks to decades of largely unchecked immigration, especially to Western European nations, from Sharia-dominated nations. In most of the host countries, there is rising jihadist violence and political disruption.
There are also untold numbers of imported and home-grown Hezbollah, Taliban, Iranian, Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist operatives ready to wage jihad here, as well. As was evident on college campuses in the spring of 2024, their capacity for disruptive violence must not be underestimated.
In addition, as the riots in 2020 demonstrated, Marxist/Maoist groups such as Antifa, black identity groups such as Black Lives Matter and numerous fellow-travelers are poised at any time to re-launch a “color revolution.” Their attacks on businesses and communities, and the chaos thus induced, were tolerated by deep state bureaucrats and applauded by Democratic politicians. A reprise of the chaos such radicals can inflict could create civil unrest and, especially if others enemies pile on, impact the transition’s timing and successful completion.
Observing that one or more of these scenarios may occur in the next few weeks is not to posit their inevitability. Rather, it is to impress upon a public susceptible to taking at face value Biden’s public promise to Trump of a peaceful transfer of power that it may not happen.
Under present circumstances, it is simply prudent at least to be aware of these potential dangers and doing everything possible to prevent them from being actualized in the United States.
The bottom line is that any one of these elements is capable of creating or greatly exacerbating chaos that could be used to justify martial law, try to derail the inauguration and thwart the on-time transfer of power to the incoming administration.
As the federal government may for the next few weeks be part of the problem, it will fall to liberty-loving states to pursue six steps that can help mitigate this dangerous situation:
- Raise awareness of the existence of threats.
- Crowdsource information about the whereabouts and status of potentially hostile elements.
- Enhance personal and community preparedness.
- Heighten the readiness of the National Guard, constitutional sheriffs, other state and local law enforcement.
- Protect critical infrastructure and likely targets.
- Plan for contingencies, such as any effort to respond to chaos-inducing events with a declaration of martial law and efforts to postpone the inauguration.
In addition to action at the level of state and local governments, it behooves every patriot committed to the American experiment to be alive to these dangers. Collectively, we can bring to bear the kind of “situational awareness” that can help detect and expose the potential for harm before it is inflicted. And, thereby, millions of us can assist in ensuring the on-time, peaceful transfer of power and national course-correction for which the majority of Americans voted on November 5th.