Photo Credit: MFA / IDF Mapping Unit
Map: The division of the Mandate for Palestine

The “deal of the century” is bad for Israel. Presumably, the intentions that led to it were good, but it ignores certain basic truths.

The Land of Israel is the sole homeland of the Jewish people. The Land of Israel belongs to us, to the generations that preceded us, and to the generations yet to come. One doesn’t conduct business or make deals regarding a homeland. Any compromise on this absolute principle – any agreement to relinquish sections of our land – will be interpreted as an admission that the occupation falsehood is true.


In addition, any compromise will have very severe security ramifications since concessions – especially in the Middle East – are interpreted as weakness, which leads to more terrorism.

Israel must not be drawn into this agreement on the basis of our long-term familiarity with Arab rejectionism. It must not again say that “the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Israel cannot base its Zionist vision and its future on the incidental rejectionism of a random Arab leader.

The Zionist vision and the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel are substantial matters of principle that are not currency to be used in a deal.

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