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To all this I say. If you know of the numbers you know the locations of these missiles be they at ground level in the open (unlikely) or in a lounge of a home with a detachable roof that can be opened and shut at will or in the myriad of underground tunnels in Gaza or elsewhere. If ever there was a time for an IAF pre-emptive strike to take out all these missile batteries once and for all, it is now. Unfortunately thanks to Obama and Kerry and a disunited world Jewry, paralysis seems to have infected the IDF.

With this background in mind and to the shame of Jews worldwide, countless American Jews, those renowned simpletons of the diaspora, have the audacity to assail the NYC Mayor for saying he supports Israel! If those in NY disagree with the actions of a so called few in their midst, where are the counter protests in support of de Blasio?


As for ghetto Jews, Tzipi Livni, that disaster of a “negotiator” a woman who is totally out of her depth but who unbelievably heads the so called “peace talks” on behalf of Israel would be a prime example of a left winger hell bent on capitulation. A woman who has no concept of the fact that capitulation after capitulation brings more and more outrageous demands. Spoken like a true ghetto Jew, this defeatist woman, a woman who disgraced herself with her screeching at Netanyahu in the Knesset during the recent visit by the Canadian Prime Minister (a true friend of Israel), declared recently at an event at Bar Ilan University that “if we don’t decide (on territorial concessions), the world will decide for us.” Behind closed doors Abbas & Co. must thank Allah day in day out for Netanyahu’s political stupidity in appointing this woman.

This woman praises Kerry at every opportunity when in fact it is Kerry who “hints” that Israel will be on the receiving end of boycotts by European nations if they do not abide with his peace plans, hints that have been green lighted by this administration to the Europeans as to what they should do, not if but when, these talks fall in a heap. Not lost too are his hints that should the peace process fail the intifada will resume. One has to assume that Abbas is not a fool. He would have realised that he has just been given the green light by a US Secretary of State to restart a massive terrorist campaign when these talks break down. From the outset, it is this writer’s opinion that this terrorist never entered these talks in good faith and has no intention of ever allowing this conflict to end. He has invested too much in demonizing Israel to the population he is supposed to represent to be able to reach an agreement. Peace to him would mean obscurity and this man, together with the rest of the PA will not give up their lavish lifestyles which includes them being feted by world leaders on centre stage and indulging themselves with money that is bestowed on them by foolish nations who think they are aiding the cause of peace and the supposed suffering of a people who have attempted to rewrite history. Having become masters in propaganda, the PA will blame Israel for any breakdown in this so called “peace process” on supposed Israeli intransigence, be it “settlements” or anything else, knowing full well that most of the world will probably agree with this false assessment.

This brings us to the issue of what exactly has happened to the Netanyahu Government? It was elected with the largest majority in that insane process known as the Israeli electoral system but he in turn puts in place for political reasons this woman, an extreme leftist, who had virtually no political support and is certainly no match for those master propagandists known collectively as the PA. It seems that every Prime Minister in recent memory starts off in one direction but is subsequently infected by the cancerous ideology of that so called “elder statesman” of Israel, a man who has lost all connection to his Jewish heritage, a master appeaser and cringing ghetto Jew if ever there was one, Shimon Peres. This is the man who brought Israel the disastrous Oslo Accords and in the process brought to life a people who never existed. A man who to this day refers to Abbas as his friend and peace partner. A man who when hearing that Yasser Arafat was calling for “Jihad” rushed to his immediate defence by claiming he was calling for a “Jihad for peace’.

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Gil Solomon is a retired finance manager and author.