Photo Credit: Avi Oyahon/GPO/FLASh90
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surrounded by Israeli school children. The man who could be king.

I would argue that the title “king” does not necessarily connote Royalty, but rather suggests “chief executive,” or, in Israeli constitutional terms, “Prime Minister.” And we’ve already chosen a prime minister. We’ve done so many times, for over close to 70 years.

All that chief executive must do, in order to qualify as King Messiah based on a minimalist application of Maimonides, is to embrace the Torah as Israel’s constitutional document, and to commit to applying Torah law—preferably through a prolonged, well thought out legislative process.


Nothing else needs to change in order for our redemption to be complete.

Arguably, the very process of challenging the Jews in Israel to seek out ways of applying the Torah to the legal needs of a modern democracy would most likely evoke those “Wars of God” Maimonides describes. But there’s no doubt that Maimonides’ view of at least the initial scope of the Jewish messianic rule is both activist and minimalist.

Frankly, it would be wonderful to watch how each segment of the Jewish nation, from the ultra-Haredim to the most remote leftists is challenged by the messianic call of a mere mortal named Benjamin Netanyahu.

Of course, all of this must first be approved by Sara.

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Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba'Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published Dancing and Crying, a colorful and intimate portrait of the last two years in the life of the late Lubavitch Rebbe, (in Hebrew), and two fun books in English: The Cabalist's Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote.