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Bibi addressing a joint meeting of Congress March 2015

Israel is named by the Islamofascists as the “Little Satan”. Would you like to guess who the “Big Satan” is? Israel’s fight is America’s fight. Israel is the tip of the spear, the modern day guardian of the “Gates of Vienna” defending the West from Islamifacation.

According to, The Hill, a political website, 48 members of the House of Representatives and eight senators (with Martin Heinrich being among the malcontents) skipped the Israeli leader’s speech. Are these members so highly principled that they abandoned civility and proceeded to disrespect the leader of the sole Middle Eastern democracy? Yet how many of these characters of character boycotted Presidente Enrique Pena Nieto address to Congress in December, while Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi was threatened with rape and death while being held captive in a Mexican gulag for the crime of making a wrong turn? El cero!


A full page tap letter about violations to protocol (Gasp!) was received from our Senator Tom Udall to the question, “Will you be in attendance for the presentation to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? SenatorHeinrich did not respond. According to Heinrich’s Facebook posts global warming is a far greater threat to humanity than are beheadings, the incineration of living persons or child rapes on a massive scale.

Watching Israel Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu address congress one could not conclude anything less than now there is a leader! The last time I remember seeing a joint session of congress so fired up was a dozen or so years ago when then Senators Clinton and Kerry voted to endorse President Bush and authorize military action in Iraq.

As Bibi entered the congressional chambers the AWOL status of our low-T community organizer, the guy who played Tom Willis on “The Jefferson’s”, the race-baiting caucus and the Sharpton-ettes were hardly if at all noticed.

           36 years of Iranian Sponsored Terrorism (not inclusive)

  • U.S. embassy in Tehran seized 1979
  • 1983 U.S. embassy in Beirut bombing killing 58
  • 1984 U.S. embassy annex bombing killing 24
  • Hijacking of TWA flight 847
  • Lebanon hostage crisis from 1982 -1992
  • 1992, Iranian-Kurdish insurgent leaders and their translator murdered at a Greek restaurant in Berlin
  • Bombing of the Israeli Embassy killing twenty-nine in 1992
  • Bombing Jewish community center in Argentina killing 95 in 1994
  • 1994 AC Flight 901 attack, killing 21, in Panama
  • The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, killing 19 US servicemen
  • Firing of hundreds of rockets into northern Israel on a daily basis and capture of Israeli soldiers in 2006
  • Iranian proxies killed an estimated 1,100 US troops in Iraq.
  • The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers on 9/11 passed through Iran travel facilitated by Iranian border guards
  • Iran “used front companies to obtain a Boeing 757-767-777 flight simulator for training the terrorists”
  • Assassination attempt on Indian-born British author Salman Rushdie
  • 2005 assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
  • June 2012, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli /Jewish targets.
  • The 2012 bus bombing, killing 6, in Bulgaria
  • 2012, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has called the cyberattacks to U.S. Persian Gulf oil platforms the most destructive cyberattacks to the private sector Another American official said, that the Obama administration knows that the Iranian government was responsible for the attacks, yet did not act
  • 2014 Iran’s Ammar Strategic Base think tank threatened “mass abductions and brutal killings” of American citizens around the world and the rape and killing of one of Obama’s daughters should the United States attack Syria
  • Iran TV Airs Simulation of Sinking of U.S. aircraft carrier and attacks on Israel:

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Jerry Heck, has had a part-time military career as a Citizen Solider in the Florida Army National Guard and Army Reserve spanning 28 years. He has deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq and Afghanistan. He currently resides in Roswell, NM and serves on the Board of Directors for the Roswell SERTOMA Club and is president of the Military Officers Association of the Pecos Valley. Contact: [email protected]