The comparison of this model of leadership with the model of modern society is striking. Today, one seeking to lead studies political science or goes into politics as a profession, sharpening those skills that will allow him or her to compete in the world of money and power. In Jewish thought, leadership is a responsibility that one may need to assume, but it is never a means to fulfill a need for power or self-aggrandizement.
Leading with Silence
In addition to hiring extroverted leaders, we also elect politicians who outright tell us what to do. What the “silent revolution” approach is telling us is that more powerful than leading with noise is leading with silence. Those leaders that come out of isolation with powerful thoughts spoken softly, have the potential to voluntarily inspire public to listen without compulsion.
Is the world ready for leaders who lead with a quiet voices? For the “quiet revolution”? Susan thinks so, as do I, and maybe you as well…