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The campus moonbatocracy in the US has become obsessed with “micro-aggressions.”   These are supposed to be seemingly harmless words or forms of behavior that make fashionable minorities feel oppressed.   Things like wearing a sombrero on Halloween or telling a black woman that you are proud that she graduated cum laude.  I guess a macro-aggression would be to ask her if she’d like some watermelon.  You can see a collection of alleged micro-aggressions here.

Well, it occurred to me that the jihad against micro-aggressions (and using the word jihad of course is a macro-aggression against Moslems) just invites us to balance the scales of sanity be defining a new concept.
Comrades, it is time we define micro-treasons and begin to take serious action against them.
Micro-treasons are acts that are far less blatant than macro-treasons.  The latter would include joining ISIS or a Marxist group or Students for Justice in Palestine or Peace Now.  Micro-treasons are far less obvious.  They come in various forms.  Here are a few examples:
–  Referring to terrorists as “militants” or “activists”
–  Referring to Israeli control of the West Bank as ‘occupation’
–  Describing capitalism as ‘piggish’ and harmful and anti-humane
–  Using the word ‘neoliberalism’
–  Using the term ‘Nakba’
–  Studying anthropology
–  Saying ‘he or she’ every time a third person non-gender pronoun is needed
–  Describing the election of Obama as the “triumph of hope”
–  Referring to Muslim migrants entering Hungary and Germany as ‘refugees’
–  Saying “Black Lives Matter”
–  Using the term “White Privilege” in any sentence
–  Referring to Israel as ‘Israel-Palestine’
–  Using the word ‘apartheid’ to refer to any country other than erstwhile South Africa
–  Referring to any Western country as ‘imperialist’
–  Using the term “The Other 99%”
–  Fighting for the planet
–  Misuse of the term ‘exploitation’
–  Misuse of the term ‘oppression’
–  Demanding ‘safe spaces’
–  Almost any use of the word ‘solidarity’
–  Almost any use of the word misogynist
–  Use of the term resistance, except in physics
–  Almost any use of the word’ class’ for anything other than a classroom
–  Pretending you think there is such a thing as ‘transgendered’
–  Protesting against globalization
–  Accusing non-leftists of divisiveness
–  Use of the term ‘economic justice
–  Use of the term ‘judgmentalism’
–  Use of the term ‘sustainable’
  Using the term ‘micro-aggression.’

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Steven Plaut is a professor at the University of Haifa. He can be contacted at [email protected]