Only a leadership of faith can guide our nation along this path of Jewish pride, providing security and defense and ensuring our survival. The terrorists in India knew that a Chabad House is a bastion of Jewish faith and values. Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, the purest of souls, who devoted their lives with great sacrifice to ignite the Jewish spark inherent in every Jewish heart, were the target of Islamic terror whose goal is to destroy Jews, their faith and culture.

The power of faith and determination to rise up from the depths of pain and mourning are best expressed by King David: “I shall not die, but live to recount the deeds of the Lord” (Psalms 118:17).


We are all emissaries whose goal in life is to recount the deeds of the Lord, together with every Chabad House in all corners of the world. When a new Jewish leadership emerges in Israel in the near future, these words of Jewish royalty will reverberate in Israel and the Jewish world, serving as a guiding light, telling the eternal story of God’s Chosen People, and leading us to complete Redemption.

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Rabbi Eliezer Waldman is rosh yeshivaof Yeshivat Nir Kiryat Arba.