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Sunday evening, we saw Pro Hamas protestors physically attack Jews in front of a Los Angeles synagogue as jihadis called for the genocide of Jews. We have long heard how Jews control Hollywood, the world and the media and yet we see deafening silence from celebrities on Anti-Semitism and violent attacks on Israel. In June 2024 as Jews are under attack at universities nationwide, the streets of America are rife with Anti-Semitism, I wish Jewish celebrities had half the courage to speak out for Jews and Israel as random influencers do endlessly about “All Eyes On Rafah” and other supposed injustices.

My fellow Jews being happy about Ben Stiller, a Jewish celebrity coming out nine months after October 7th with an op-ed in Time Magazine where he says he cant say silent and writes “wars should end” and “hate is bad” is not something to be celebrated. One should expect more than someone famous writing that “..what Hamas did was unconscionable and reprehensible.”


Stiller continues to say, “Antisemitism must be condemned whenever it happens and wherever it exists. As should Islamophobia and bigotry of all kinds.”  Stiller is not to be praised for writing that war and hate are bad. So what.

Stiller along with a plethora of Hollywood’s Jewish elite have been silent. What would one expect the black community response to have been if a black church was attacked?

The evening of the Academy Awards is another prime example of what’s wrong.  Hollywood stars including Singer Billie Eilish, Actor Mark Ruffalo, Director Ava DuVernay  and others wore pro Palestinian pins or spoke of the Palestinian cause. Silence from our Jewish brethren who supposedly control Hollywood.

Am mega disappointed in Jewish stars like Adam Sandler who made a career playing Jewish stars, including his blockbuster hit “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.” Sandler has said that he dreams more than anything of coming to Israel, noting “Well, I haven’t been to Israel and I’m the Zohan, for God’s sake. I’m excited to get there.”

Israel is at war and the Jewish people under attack in Los Angeles and worldwide and Sandler is shamefully silent. Jews built Hollywood with our sweat and tears and in an industry with many Jews one would think they would show up for their own people.

Shame on you Adam Sandler.

There have been a handful of Jewish celebrities who have spoken out since October 7th, but there is very little to applaud.  Michael Rappaport, Jerry Seinfeld, Debra Messing, Tiffany Kaddish, Dr. Phil and Michael Douglas have been among the few bright spots of celebrities who have stood by Israel and spoken out. David Schwimmer, Montana Tucker, David Draiman, Mayim Bialik, Sharon Osbourne, Julian Edelman and a handful of others as well, but many of them are simply not mega-stars.

Whether for fear of backlash or simply not caring, we don’t care. The Jewish people too must demand our celebrities speak up and if not pay the price from our community.  There has been very little to applaud and in reality the majority of vocal Hollywood Jews are anti-Israel.

Many of these foolish Jewish celebrities speak of the importance of plastic straws not damaging the ocean, fossil fuel, humanity for the whole world – Tibet, Sudan – and of national rights for all people – except the Jews.

Harvard professor Ruth Wisse said “the rapid demoralization of Jews in the face of anti-Zionism… shows the depth of the influence of the past, for many have yet to achieve the simple self-respect that has been eluding the Jews collectively since the dawn of modernity.”

As it says in the Talmud, “The Jewish people are the sons and daughters of Kings.”  We, the Jewish people, are sons and daughters of the first king and queen, Abraham and Sarah.  These “celebrity” Jews have forgotten that Jews are the chosen people and descend from royalty.

As a proud Jew who works with many celebrities, I am cognizant of the dictum made famous by NBA legend Charles Barkley who said in  Nike commercials: “I am not a role model. I am not paid to be a role model. Parents should be role models. Just because I can dunk a basketball doesn’t mean I should raise your kids.”

Just because one is a famous Jew doesn’t mean we as Jews should respect them. They haven’t earned that right.

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Ronn Torossian is Founder and CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR Firm in New York and one of the 20 largest independently owned agencies in the United States. Ronn is an active Jewish philanthropist through his charity organization, the Ronn Torossian Foundation.